Estrogen & HPV Stimulation – Did Merck Conduct the Studies for Gardasil?
PRLog (Press Release) – Jan 31, 2011 – It appears history has repeated itself many times since January 1970, when a Senate testimony hearing on the safety and efficacy of the first birth control pill was conducted after pressure from women’s groups who were concerned about the side effects of the high dose estrogen in the pills. In 1970, women’s testimonies were disregarded. Concerned delegates were relegated to sit in the balcony during the hearing.
A Hearing without Women's Voices
In January 1970 experts assembled in the stately Senate chamber and began giving their testimony on the hazards of the Pill. Alice Wolfson, a member of the radical collective D.C. Women's Liberation, was sitting in the audience listening to the experts. Her group had come to the hearings because they had all taken the Pill at one time or another and experienced adverse side effects. The group was outraged that their doctors had never informed them of the risks when they prescribed the Pill. As they sat in the chamber and heard one male witness after another describe serious health risks, they were furious that there wasn't a single woman who had taken the Pill there to testify.
Outrage on Two Accounts
After hearing one expert say, "Estrogen is to cancer what fertilizer is to wheat," the women spectators could no longer contain their anger. They stood up and started hurling questions at the men on the dais. The feminists set the room abuzz when they demanded, "Why are you using women as guinea pigs?" and "Why are you letting the drug companies murder us for their profit and convenience?" When told by Senator Nelson to sit down and remain quiet, they retorted, "We are not going to sit quietly! We don't think the hearings are more important than our lives!" 1.
HRT – Risks Outweigh Benefits
Hormone replacement Therapy (HRT) was on the market over 30 years before the Women’s Health Initiative conducted an independent study. “Attitudes towards HRT changed in 2002 following the announcement by the Women's Health Initiative of the National Institutes of Health that those receiving the treatment (Prempro) in the main part of their study had a larger incidence of breast cancer, heart attacks and strokes. The WHI findings were reconfirmed in a larger national study done in the UK, known as The Million Women Study. As a result of these findings, the number of women taking hormone treatment dropped precipitously.” 2.
Now hundreds of lawsuits worth millions of dollars have been filed against pharmaceutical companies as a result of women getting breast cancer as a result of HRT.
Not long after, a line of lower dose extended cycle estrogen birth control pills flooded the market and were prescribed to adolescent girls for a multitude of ‘ailments’ other than the prevention of pregnancy. The jury is out on the long term effects of the extended OC’s, but some are beginning to question their causal relationship to cancer.
May 2006, Gardasil made its debut on the market. But, according to the FDA’s Cancer Liaison Program, they are unaware of any studies regarding ‘Gardasil, cancer, and HPV stimulation.’
During the last two months, results of two disconcerting studies have been released: The association of hormonal contraceptive use and HPV prevalence, International Journal of Cancer (IJC); and Estrogen May Play Role in Rising Rates of Head, Neck Cancer; Health Day News.
The IJC study reported that “Women diagnosed with cervical cancer report longer duration and more recent use of combined oral contraceptives (COCs). It is unclear whether COC use is associated with upstream events of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection prior to development of clinical disease.” The studies objective…“was to assess the association of contraceptive use on the risk for prevalent HPV infection in a cohort of long-term hormonal contraceptive (HC) users.”
The authors found: a demonstratable “association between the use of COCs for >6 years and prevalent HPV infection among 20- to 37-year-old women from Thailand after controlling for sexual behavior and cytological abnormalities. This finding is in agreement with other smaller cross-sectional studies conducted among college age women and women 20–29 years of age who report COC use for >4 years.” The summary concluded that “observed that long-term use of COCs of >6 years is associated with an increased risk of prevalent HPV infection in a cohort of HC and NHC users in Thailand.” 3.
For months news headlines reported on the association between HPV and head and neck cancers suggesting that Gardasil may be a preventive for these cancers as well. However, Health Day News reported that estrogen stimulation may indeed be behind the HPV stimulation for head and neck cancers.
“Rates of head and neck cancer are rising among some groups of people, including young women without any known risk factors. Now, a study suggests that estrogen may help the cancer spread by boosting the movement of precancerous cells in the mouth.” 4.
SANE Vax believes that these two studies warrant more examination. An independent study of the relationship between estrogen, HPV, cancer and Gardasil needs to be conducted immediately. Over 382 reports of abnormal pap smears post-HPV vaccination –some including cervical cancer – have already been reported to VAERS.
Estrogen is to cancer what fertilizer is to wheat. We are now in a third and fourth generation of adolescent women whose mothers and grandmothers took oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy. Estrogen dominance in the form of mimickers from food, plastics and household solvents, and water sources is a growing concern.
SANE Vax Inc. is not going to sit by quietly waiting for studies to be conducted on the safety and efficacy of Gardasil. We will fight for science-based medicine until women and children are no longer used as guinea pigs for profiteering pharmaceutical companies.
1. American Experience/The Pill - ...
2. Hormone Replacement Therapy; ...
3. The association of hormonal contraceptive use and HPV prevalence; International Journal of Cancer; 26 Oct 2010;
4. Estrogen May Play Role in Rising Rates of Head, Neck Cancer; Health Day News; January 4, 2011;
Please visit our site at
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THE SANE VAX MISSION is to promote Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices through education and information. We believe in science-based medicine.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
One More Girl film documentary to unveil the truth about HPV vaccines
Please support the effort to reveal the stories of injury and death related to the HPV Vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix.
PRLog (Press Release) – Jan 29, 2011 – Two film making brothers and prominent advocacy groups have announced the planned production of a provocative new documentary film about HPV vaccines titled "One More Girl". The just issued press release announcing the film and seeking funding donations promises that the film will reveal to the world a trail of death, injured young girls and devastated families following HPV vaccinations. The film also plans to take a critical look at the social and political trail of deception which enabled vaccines described as "medical experiments" to get by the world's health regulatory agencies.
Film making brothers Ryan and David Richardson decided to make the film after witnessing the adverse reaction and long road to recovery of their 18-year-old sister Donielle Richardson. Her experience led the Richardson family to research other Gardasil girl injuries. Their discoveries resulted in the brothers' decision to create a powerful documentary film to prevent similar travesties from happening to other girls and their families.
"One More Girl" represents a collaboration between two brothers whose sister was injured by the HPV vaccine Gardasil and two prominent advocacy groups involved in exposing the truth about HPV vaccines - and S.A.N.E.Vax, Inc..
The Richardson brothers plan to devote a large portion of their film to a platform for several other young women and their families to share their experiences in their own words. The first-hand testimonials promise to be some of the most powerful and moving segments of the film.
Viewers will be able to watch the girls and their families share their dismay and sense of betrayal for believing the pharmaceutical and medical industries marketing about the safety of HPV vaccines and their use for the prevention of cervical cancer. Included in the testimonials are stories of anguish, loss of innocence, and the guilt felt by many mothers who trusted the vaccine makers and the advice of their doctors. Viewers will also learn how financially devastating it has been for many families to try to find cures for the illnesses their daughters became stricken with after they were vaccinated.
The Richardson brothers' film making company, ThinkExist Productions, is working in conjunction with the advocacy groups to include the history, research, and data both organizations have compiled over the last four years. Combined, the organization's global networks include concerned activists in 120 countries and every state in the U.S.
A preview of "One More Girl", which is being funded largely by public donations, can currently be found on both the TruthAboutGardasil and S.A.N.E.Vax sites as well as the Kick Starter - Fund & Follow Creativity website at ....
Kick Starter is a unique site for film producers and aficionados to preview documentary concepts and donate funds for completion of the films.
It is hoped that funding needed for the film will be raised within 90 days and current plans call for beginning full production during the second quarter of 2011 with a tentative release date of the summer of 2012. ThinkExist Productions,TruthAboutGardasil and SA.N.E.Vax. plan to market "One More Girl" globally and enter the film into various film festivals.
According to the latest VAERS figures, there have been 21,113 adverse events reported for HPV vaccines thus far, including 89 deaths and 692 disabilities. The reports also show 8,617 emergency room visits, 2,092 hospitalizations and 4,396 instances where the victims did not recover from their injuries.
"One More Girl" promises to open the eyes of viewers around the world to the truth about HPV vaccines. The stories and revelations in the film are sure to fill many of those eyes with tears of sadness and anger.
For more information on this topic see “The journey of a Gardasil victim's mother from trusting vaccines to vaccine activist” at and “Gardasil Exposed - Deadly vaccine pushed on millions of young boys and girls worldwide” at
Please visit our site at .
Tony Isaacs, Contributing Author, SaneVax Inc.
Tony Isaacs, is a natural health author, advocate and researcher who hosts The Best Years in Life website for baby boomers and others wishing to avoid prescription drugs and mainstream managed illness and live longer, healthier and happier lives naturally. Mr. Isaacs is the author of books and articles about natural health, longevity and beating cancer including "Cancer's Natural Enemy" and is working on a major book project due to be published in 2011.
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THE SANE VAX MISSION is to promote Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices through education and information. We believe in science-based medicine.
PRLog (Press Release) – Jan 29, 2011 – Two film making brothers and prominent advocacy groups have announced the planned production of a provocative new documentary film about HPV vaccines titled "One More Girl". The just issued press release announcing the film and seeking funding donations promises that the film will reveal to the world a trail of death, injured young girls and devastated families following HPV vaccinations. The film also plans to take a critical look at the social and political trail of deception which enabled vaccines described as "medical experiments" to get by the world's health regulatory agencies.
Film making brothers Ryan and David Richardson decided to make the film after witnessing the adverse reaction and long road to recovery of their 18-year-old sister Donielle Richardson. Her experience led the Richardson family to research other Gardasil girl injuries. Their discoveries resulted in the brothers' decision to create a powerful documentary film to prevent similar travesties from happening to other girls and their families.
"One More Girl" represents a collaboration between two brothers whose sister was injured by the HPV vaccine Gardasil and two prominent advocacy groups involved in exposing the truth about HPV vaccines - and S.A.N.E.Vax, Inc..
The Richardson brothers plan to devote a large portion of their film to a platform for several other young women and their families to share their experiences in their own words. The first-hand testimonials promise to be some of the most powerful and moving segments of the film.
Viewers will be able to watch the girls and their families share their dismay and sense of betrayal for believing the pharmaceutical and medical industries marketing about the safety of HPV vaccines and their use for the prevention of cervical cancer. Included in the testimonials are stories of anguish, loss of innocence, and the guilt felt by many mothers who trusted the vaccine makers and the advice of their doctors. Viewers will also learn how financially devastating it has been for many families to try to find cures for the illnesses their daughters became stricken with after they were vaccinated.
The Richardson brothers' film making company, ThinkExist Productions, is working in conjunction with the advocacy groups to include the history, research, and data both organizations have compiled over the last four years. Combined, the organization's global networks include concerned activists in 120 countries and every state in the U.S.
A preview of "One More Girl", which is being funded largely by public donations, can currently be found on both the TruthAboutGardasil and S.A.N.E.Vax sites as well as the Kick Starter - Fund & Follow Creativity website at ....
Kick Starter is a unique site for film producers and aficionados to preview documentary concepts and donate funds for completion of the films.
It is hoped that funding needed for the film will be raised within 90 days and current plans call for beginning full production during the second quarter of 2011 with a tentative release date of the summer of 2012. ThinkExist Productions,TruthAboutGardasil and SA.N.E.Vax. plan to market "One More Girl" globally and enter the film into various film festivals.
According to the latest VAERS figures, there have been 21,113 adverse events reported for HPV vaccines thus far, including 89 deaths and 692 disabilities. The reports also show 8,617 emergency room visits, 2,092 hospitalizations and 4,396 instances where the victims did not recover from their injuries.
"One More Girl" promises to open the eyes of viewers around the world to the truth about HPV vaccines. The stories and revelations in the film are sure to fill many of those eyes with tears of sadness and anger.
For more information on this topic see “The journey of a Gardasil victim's mother from trusting vaccines to vaccine activist” at and “Gardasil Exposed - Deadly vaccine pushed on millions of young boys and girls worldwide” at
Please visit our site at .
Tony Isaacs, Contributing Author, SaneVax Inc.
Tony Isaacs, is a natural health author, advocate and researcher who hosts The Best Years in Life website for baby boomers and others wishing to avoid prescription drugs and mainstream managed illness and live longer, healthier and happier lives naturally. Mr. Isaacs is the author of books and articles about natural health, longevity and beating cancer including "Cancer's Natural Enemy" and is working on a major book project due to be published in 2011.
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THE SANE VAX MISSION is to promote Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices through education and information. We believe in science-based medicine.
SaneVax Introduces One More Cervarix Girl: Lara from Wales
Lara’s story is but another in the line of tragedies following GlaxoSmithKline’s “Armed for Life” marketing campaign for Cervarix. Unfortunately, she has joined the group of 'One More Injured or Gone After HPV Vaccination.'
PRLog (Press Release) – Jan 28, 2011 – Prior to Cervarix, Lara was every mother’s dream child. She didn’t cry, finished her bottles in the blink of an eye and was always smiling. As she grew, she began to remind people of the “energizer bunny.” She was always on the go, participating in every physical activity she could find. Lara rode bicycles, roller skated, played football, basketball, hockey, and rode horses. She enjoyed walking on the beach, surfing and swimming. Lara was constantly surrounded by friends and admirers of all ages. On top of all this, at only 13 years old, Lara knew what she wanted to do with her life – she was going to become a forensic pathologist. She worked very hard in school and her performance record showed it. In short, she was a girl who would make any mother proud.
Enter Cervarix. On 13 October 2008, Lara received her first injection of the HPV vaccine Cervarix. The day went without incident. Lara had no adverse reaction. Unfortunately, that was not the case with her second injection.
Shortly after her second jab, 17 November 2008, Lara started feeling very ill. She had a high temperature, sore throat, headaches, joint pain, and extreme tiredness. It seemed all of her energy was gone. Lara’s mom took her to the GP who put her on some medication to control the symptoms and sent her home. After a few weeks, she was able to go back to school.
Even though the package insert for Cervarix clearly states that further injections should not take place when an adverse reaction is experienced, Lara was administered the third and final injection on 31 March 2009. Shortly after, her perfect world began to fall apart. Lara woke up the morning after her third injection not feeling well. Her symptoms began with a very high temperature and difficulty walking. She lost her voice. Being the responsible student she was, she tried valiantly to attend classes. After three days, she could no longer handle it and had to stay home.
That was only the beginning of Lara’s new medical conditions. She started to experience extreme sensitivity to light. For days, she would have to sit in a darkened room because light hurt her eyes so badly. Things started to smell unusual, she began to lose her hair, had terrible headaches, and neck pain. Lara had trouble walking. Her legs just would not do what she wanted them to do. At times, she could not even keep her balance when she was sitting down. Probably the most disturbing symptom was the unexplained weight loss.
When Lara started losing weight, her mom put her on a high calorie diet. In spite of all Lara ate, she still lost 3 stones (42 pounds) over the next few months. Lara is living a nightmare.
During this time, Lara was taken to eight different doctors at two different hospitals. Lara has been admitted to the hospital several times, but no one seemed to know what was happening to her. Frequently, she was prescribed painkillers, told she must have a virus and sent home. At various other times, her mom was told she was bulimic, just seeking attention, on drugs, or that it was all in her head. At least once, her mom was accused of being paranoid, the equivalent of Munchausen by proxy. Lara has now been diagnosed with CFS/ME, chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis. Although there are many potential causes of this condition, one recognized possible cause is a vaccine-reaction.
Lara’s mom has been forced to watch as her daughter’s life is being ripped away. She has watched as her daughter transformed from the healthy, happy creature you see in the photo above, to a mere shadow of her former self. Mom has had to sit by and listen as her daughter cries out in pain, even in her sleep. Mom is forced to watch her daughter try to complete her education at home because she was too ill to attend regular classes for an entire year. Worst of all, mom has had to face the unspeakable agony of hearing her daughter ask why the doctors cannot ‘put her down’ like they do animals when they are in pain.
Today, Lara is back in school but can only attend about half of the time. Sometimes, her mother has to physically carry her to school because she collapses on the way. Her teachers have agreed to modify her schedule and concentrate on classes that lead her toward her goal of becoming a forensic pathologist. Lara is still determined to reach her goal. She is just having an extremely difficult time doing it.
Lara has stopped socializing. She lives in self-imposed isolation. She is frustrated that she cannot just live her life the way it was. Every day her mother wonders what the future really holds for her beautiful young daughter. She faces every day in fear of losing her pride and joy.
Lara’s mom wants to tell everyone, “Do not take the huge step of vaccinating your child with Cervarix without doing your research. You need to know the potential risks, as well as the potential benefits before you decide. You can always vaccinate, but once it is done -- you cannot change your mind.”
The SaneVax team believes everyone considering HPV vaccination needs to know things like this are possible. That is why we have partnered with TruthAboutGardasil (visit and ThinkExist Productions (visit to produce a documentary called “One More Girl.” This documentary will provide a place for girls like Lara and their families to tell their stories. It will also expose the truth behind the approval of HPV vaccines, their deceptive marketing practices and the political pressure to make these vaccines mandated around the world despite ongoing questions about their safety and efficacy.
Please, take a few minutes to watch the documentary trailer below. This information must be made public before any more girls join the group Lara and so many others around the world have joined – the group comprised of “One More Girl Injured or Gone after HPV Vaccination.” We need your help to make it possible.
Learn more about the ‘One More Girl’ documentary here: ...
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SaneVax believes only Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices should be offered to the public. Our primary goal is to provide scientific information/resources for those concerned about vaccine safety, efficacy and need.
PRLog (Press Release) – Jan 28, 2011 – Prior to Cervarix, Lara was every mother’s dream child. She didn’t cry, finished her bottles in the blink of an eye and was always smiling. As she grew, she began to remind people of the “energizer bunny.” She was always on the go, participating in every physical activity she could find. Lara rode bicycles, roller skated, played football, basketball, hockey, and rode horses. She enjoyed walking on the beach, surfing and swimming. Lara was constantly surrounded by friends and admirers of all ages. On top of all this, at only 13 years old, Lara knew what she wanted to do with her life – she was going to become a forensic pathologist. She worked very hard in school and her performance record showed it. In short, she was a girl who would make any mother proud.
Enter Cervarix. On 13 October 2008, Lara received her first injection of the HPV vaccine Cervarix. The day went without incident. Lara had no adverse reaction. Unfortunately, that was not the case with her second injection.
Shortly after her second jab, 17 November 2008, Lara started feeling very ill. She had a high temperature, sore throat, headaches, joint pain, and extreme tiredness. It seemed all of her energy was gone. Lara’s mom took her to the GP who put her on some medication to control the symptoms and sent her home. After a few weeks, she was able to go back to school.
Even though the package insert for Cervarix clearly states that further injections should not take place when an adverse reaction is experienced, Lara was administered the third and final injection on 31 March 2009. Shortly after, her perfect world began to fall apart. Lara woke up the morning after her third injection not feeling well. Her symptoms began with a very high temperature and difficulty walking. She lost her voice. Being the responsible student she was, she tried valiantly to attend classes. After three days, she could no longer handle it and had to stay home.
That was only the beginning of Lara’s new medical conditions. She started to experience extreme sensitivity to light. For days, she would have to sit in a darkened room because light hurt her eyes so badly. Things started to smell unusual, she began to lose her hair, had terrible headaches, and neck pain. Lara had trouble walking. Her legs just would not do what she wanted them to do. At times, she could not even keep her balance when she was sitting down. Probably the most disturbing symptom was the unexplained weight loss.
When Lara started losing weight, her mom put her on a high calorie diet. In spite of all Lara ate, she still lost 3 stones (42 pounds) over the next few months. Lara is living a nightmare.
During this time, Lara was taken to eight different doctors at two different hospitals. Lara has been admitted to the hospital several times, but no one seemed to know what was happening to her. Frequently, she was prescribed painkillers, told she must have a virus and sent home. At various other times, her mom was told she was bulimic, just seeking attention, on drugs, or that it was all in her head. At least once, her mom was accused of being paranoid, the equivalent of Munchausen by proxy. Lara has now been diagnosed with CFS/ME, chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis. Although there are many potential causes of this condition, one recognized possible cause is a vaccine-reaction.
Lara’s mom has been forced to watch as her daughter’s life is being ripped away. She has watched as her daughter transformed from the healthy, happy creature you see in the photo above, to a mere shadow of her former self. Mom has had to sit by and listen as her daughter cries out in pain, even in her sleep. Mom is forced to watch her daughter try to complete her education at home because she was too ill to attend regular classes for an entire year. Worst of all, mom has had to face the unspeakable agony of hearing her daughter ask why the doctors cannot ‘put her down’ like they do animals when they are in pain.
Today, Lara is back in school but can only attend about half of the time. Sometimes, her mother has to physically carry her to school because she collapses on the way. Her teachers have agreed to modify her schedule and concentrate on classes that lead her toward her goal of becoming a forensic pathologist. Lara is still determined to reach her goal. She is just having an extremely difficult time doing it.
Lara has stopped socializing. She lives in self-imposed isolation. She is frustrated that she cannot just live her life the way it was. Every day her mother wonders what the future really holds for her beautiful young daughter. She faces every day in fear of losing her pride and joy.
Lara’s mom wants to tell everyone, “Do not take the huge step of vaccinating your child with Cervarix without doing your research. You need to know the potential risks, as well as the potential benefits before you decide. You can always vaccinate, but once it is done -- you cannot change your mind.”
The SaneVax team believes everyone considering HPV vaccination needs to know things like this are possible. That is why we have partnered with TruthAboutGardasil (visit and ThinkExist Productions (visit to produce a documentary called “One More Girl.” This documentary will provide a place for girls like Lara and their families to tell their stories. It will also expose the truth behind the approval of HPV vaccines, their deceptive marketing practices and the political pressure to make these vaccines mandated around the world despite ongoing questions about their safety and efficacy.
Please, take a few minutes to watch the documentary trailer below. This information must be made public before any more girls join the group Lara and so many others around the world have joined – the group comprised of “One More Girl Injured or Gone after HPV Vaccination.” We need your help to make it possible.
Learn more about the ‘One More Girl’ documentary here: ...
# # #
SaneVax believes only Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices should be offered to the public. Our primary goal is to provide scientific information/resources for those concerned about vaccine safety, efficacy and need.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Abortion Stillbirth Events from Gardasil Far Exceed All other Vaccines
According to a National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC – MedAlerts blog entry written in November 2010, the incidents of abortion and still birth events from the HPV4 vaccine, Gardasil supersedes the same event from all other vaccinations.
The research and post was written by Steven M. Rubin, Ph.D., a computer scientist who maintains the online searchable VAERS database, MedAlerts. He has managed this database voluntarily and independent of his official work since 2003 and has worked with the NVIC since 2005. 1.
In his blog entry on MedAlerts, Dr. Rubin states that “It has been suggested that the H1N1 Flu vaccine causes miscarriages. This month, I want to see if the claim is supported by VAERS data.” 2.
Dr. Rubin explains how it is determined whether a VAERS event resulted in a miscarriage. “VAERS uses the MedDRA symptom classification, which organizes all known symptoms at five levels of detail. At the second level of detail is an entry “Abortions and stillbirth” which has under it “Abortion related conditions and complications”, “Abortions spontaneous”, “Stillbirth and foetal death” and “Abortions not specified as induced or spontaneous”. Each of these is further refined into specific symptoms. So it seems that this second-level term (or as it is known in MedDRA, the High-Level Group Term or HLGT) is a valid way to identify miscarriages.”
He surmised the data would “surely favor vaccines that have been given for 21 years over those that have been recently introduced, because such vaccines will have been given much more, and so will have produced many more symptoms. In other words, this graph should de-emphasize the H1N1 Flu vaccine, which has existed for just one year. We should see relatively few H1N1-related miscarriage events compared with the “Seasonal” Flu vaccine which has been administered to many more patients.
However, the VAERS data proved him wrong. Dr. Rubin acknowledges the “results are shocking. First of all, the H1N1 Flu vaccine has appeared in miscarriage events more often than almost any other vaccine.
And then he states:
But the graph has more shocking results for us. The H1N1 Flu vaccine appears in many of the abortion/stillbirth cases, but not the most. The “winner,” appearing in 297 of the VAERS records associated with miscarriage, is Gardasil (vaccine code HPV4)! Once again, this vaccine is a newcomer, having only existed for 4 years.
His advice to pregnant women is to “read the product manufacturer’s insert for the vaccine they are considering and speak with one or more trusted health care professionals before making a decision about vaccination during pregnancy.”
According to a recently released study; New Adjuvanted Vaccines in Pregnancy: What is Known About Their Safety?
“Owing to the fact that pregnant women are usually excluded from the majority of clinical trials on vaccines, little is known about the side effects of adjuvants during pregnancy. There are only a few published studies on the safety of adjuvanted vaccines during pregnancy. These studies, however, concentrated on the extreme effects of adjuvanted vaccines on pregnancy (i.e., teratogenic effects). No attention has been paid to more subtle effects, such as effects on placental development or fetal weight or the effects of the vaccine or its adjuvant on the maternal immune system. During normal pregnancy, the maternal immune system adapts to accommodate the semiallogeneic fetus and interference with this immune system may interfere with normal pregnancy.3
SANEVax is outraged that a vaccine that is a “relative newcomer” has the highest incident of induced abortions and stillbirth rates higher than any other vaccine on the market. There is no doubt the vaccine’s safety and efficacy has not been thoroughly investigated. And independent investigation on the safety and efficacy of the HPV vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix must be conducted before there are more injuries and deaths.
There is currently no vaccine specifically approved by the FDA for use during pregnancy in the United States. Caveat Emptor – let the consumer beware!
One More Girl
It is obvious that the pharmaceutical marketing campaign promises of ‘One Less Girl’ at risk for cervical cancer and ‘armed for life’ have turned into a global travesty as each day ONE MORE GIRL suffers and adverse reaction or and/or death – or the death miscarriage/stillbirth of her baby after taking Gardasil or Cervarix.
Please support the ONE MORE GIRL Documentary – so the truth about the damage done to innocent girls can be told to prevent this global travesty from ever occurring again.
1. Steven M. Rubin Biography
2. MedAlerts,
3. New Adjuvanted Vaccines in Pregnancy: What is Known About Their Safety? 01/13/2011; Expert Rev Vaccines. 2010;9(12):1411-1422. © 2010 Expert Reviews Ltd.
The research and post was written by Steven M. Rubin, Ph.D., a computer scientist who maintains the online searchable VAERS database, MedAlerts. He has managed this database voluntarily and independent of his official work since 2003 and has worked with the NVIC since 2005. 1.
In his blog entry on MedAlerts, Dr. Rubin states that “It has been suggested that the H1N1 Flu vaccine causes miscarriages. This month, I want to see if the claim is supported by VAERS data.” 2.
Dr. Rubin explains how it is determined whether a VAERS event resulted in a miscarriage. “VAERS uses the MedDRA symptom classification, which organizes all known symptoms at five levels of detail. At the second level of detail is an entry “Abortions and stillbirth” which has under it “Abortion related conditions and complications”, “Abortions spontaneous”, “Stillbirth and foetal death” and “Abortions not specified as induced or spontaneous”. Each of these is further refined into specific symptoms. So it seems that this second-level term (or as it is known in MedDRA, the High-Level Group Term or HLGT) is a valid way to identify miscarriages.”
He surmised the data would “surely favor vaccines that have been given for 21 years over those that have been recently introduced, because such vaccines will have been given much more, and so will have produced many more symptoms. In other words, this graph should de-emphasize the H1N1 Flu vaccine, which has existed for just one year. We should see relatively few H1N1-related miscarriage events compared with the “Seasonal” Flu vaccine which has been administered to many more patients.
However, the VAERS data proved him wrong. Dr. Rubin acknowledges the “results are shocking. First of all, the H1N1 Flu vaccine has appeared in miscarriage events more often than almost any other vaccine.
And then he states:
But the graph has more shocking results for us. The H1N1 Flu vaccine appears in many of the abortion/stillbirth cases, but not the most. The “winner,” appearing in 297 of the VAERS records associated with miscarriage, is Gardasil (vaccine code HPV4)! Once again, this vaccine is a newcomer, having only existed for 4 years.
His advice to pregnant women is to “read the product manufacturer’s insert for the vaccine they are considering and speak with one or more trusted health care professionals before making a decision about vaccination during pregnancy.”
According to a recently released study; New Adjuvanted Vaccines in Pregnancy: What is Known About Their Safety?
“Owing to the fact that pregnant women are usually excluded from the majority of clinical trials on vaccines, little is known about the side effects of adjuvants during pregnancy. There are only a few published studies on the safety of adjuvanted vaccines during pregnancy. These studies, however, concentrated on the extreme effects of adjuvanted vaccines on pregnancy (i.e., teratogenic effects). No attention has been paid to more subtle effects, such as effects on placental development or fetal weight or the effects of the vaccine or its adjuvant on the maternal immune system. During normal pregnancy, the maternal immune system adapts to accommodate the semiallogeneic fetus and interference with this immune system may interfere with normal pregnancy.3
SANEVax is outraged that a vaccine that is a “relative newcomer” has the highest incident of induced abortions and stillbirth rates higher than any other vaccine on the market. There is no doubt the vaccine’s safety and efficacy has not been thoroughly investigated. And independent investigation on the safety and efficacy of the HPV vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix must be conducted before there are more injuries and deaths.
There is currently no vaccine specifically approved by the FDA for use during pregnancy in the United States. Caveat Emptor – let the consumer beware!
One More Girl
It is obvious that the pharmaceutical marketing campaign promises of ‘One Less Girl’ at risk for cervical cancer and ‘armed for life’ have turned into a global travesty as each day ONE MORE GIRL suffers and adverse reaction or and/or death – or the death miscarriage/stillbirth of her baby after taking Gardasil or Cervarix.
Please support the ONE MORE GIRL Documentary – so the truth about the damage done to innocent girls can be told to prevent this global travesty from ever occurring again.
1. Steven M. Rubin Biography
2. MedAlerts,
3. New Adjuvanted Vaccines in Pregnancy: What is Known About Their Safety? 01/13/2011; Expert Rev Vaccines. 2010;9(12):1411-1422. © 2010 Expert Reviews Ltd.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Gardasil Risks Magnified for Sexually Active Women and Expectant Mothers
In the face of increasing reports of adverse events and death rates that are 400% higher than other vaccines, Merck continues to maintain that its controversial Gardasil vaccine is safe and continues to push for wider use.
Jan 19, 2011 – One group Merck would especially like to gain approval for is older women (currently, the vaccine is not approved for women over 27 years old). Despite Merck's claims to the contrary, studies have actually shown that Gardasil and its sister vaccine Cervarix (from GlaxoSmithKline) provide no protection for women already exposed to the HPV virus and in fact present highly elevated risks for already exposed women as well as for expectant mothers.
The more sexually active a woman is, the greater the chances she will become exposed to HPV viruses. Likewise, the older a woman is the more sexual encounters she will likely have had and thus the greater the risk of HPV exposure. Information provided for the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) in May 2006 revealed that when the vaccine is administered to a woman with a dormant or harmless form of HPV, the virus can become activated, increasing the likelihood of precancerous lesions developing by a staggering 44.6 percent.
Not one to let negative study results stand in the way of a highly profitable cash cow drug (see Vioxx), Merck decided that the groups in the study were "unbalanced" and played with the figures to eliminate women who were at higher risk to begin with. After the figure juggling the added risk was estimated to be only 11 percent.
Merck initially reported to the FDA that "it is not known whether Gardasil can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman" and continues to downplay risks for expectant mothers. However, studies have shown that pregnant women have a higher risk for adverse reactions, including miscarriages. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has reported 45 cases of spontaneous abortion, or miscarriage, following vaccination with Gardasil. At the time the vaccine was approved, five babies had been born with congenital birth defects after their mothers had been immunized with Gardasil, as opposed to a placebo group that had zero. Later reports put the number of birth defects in the vaccinated group closer to 40.
The risks to already exposed women and expectant mothers are magnified by the fact that there are no screenings recommended for existing HPV viruses or pregnancy – despite clear evidence of increased dangers and no protection. As the small print on the Cervarix product insert states: "Cervarix does not prevent HPV-related lesions in women infected with HPV 16 or HPV 18 at the time of vaccination and has not been shown to have a therapeutic effect."
As previously reported, Merck’s studies on Gardasil safety have been skewed from the outset due to using a “loaded” placebo. Instead of a normal saline solution, Merck removed only the HPV virus from their vaccine and thus used a placebo which contained such dangerous components as aluminum, polysorbate 80 and sodium borate.
Merck's promotion and defense of Gardasil are reminiscent of their previous blockbuster drug Vioxx. It took years and ultimately upwards of 60,000 deaths before Vioxx was finally pulled from the market. During the same time Merck was touting Vioxx's safety, it was also hiding and doctoring negative study results and paying doctors for signatures on papers ghost-written by Merck.
What you won’t see Merck reporting is the fact that nearly all cases of HPV are actually self-limiting. In other words, unless there is a weakened immune system, the body fixes HPV viruses all by itself.
Sources included: ...
Please visit our site at .
Tony Isaacs, Contributing Author, SaneVax Inc.
Tony Isaacs, is a natural health author, advocate and researcher who hosts The Best Years in Life website for baby boomers and others wishing to avoid prescription drugs and mainstream managed illness and live longer, healthier and happier lives naturally. Mr. Isaacs is the author of books and articles about natural health, longevity and beating cancer including "Cancer's Natural Enemy" and is working on a major book project due to be published in 2011.
# # #
THE SANE VAX MISSION is to promote Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices through education and information. We believe in science-based medicine.
Jan 19, 2011 – One group Merck would especially like to gain approval for is older women (currently, the vaccine is not approved for women over 27 years old). Despite Merck's claims to the contrary, studies have actually shown that Gardasil and its sister vaccine Cervarix (from GlaxoSmithKline) provide no protection for women already exposed to the HPV virus and in fact present highly elevated risks for already exposed women as well as for expectant mothers.
The more sexually active a woman is, the greater the chances she will become exposed to HPV viruses. Likewise, the older a woman is the more sexual encounters she will likely have had and thus the greater the risk of HPV exposure. Information provided for the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) in May 2006 revealed that when the vaccine is administered to a woman with a dormant or harmless form of HPV, the virus can become activated, increasing the likelihood of precancerous lesions developing by a staggering 44.6 percent.
Not one to let negative study results stand in the way of a highly profitable cash cow drug (see Vioxx), Merck decided that the groups in the study were "unbalanced" and played with the figures to eliminate women who were at higher risk to begin with. After the figure juggling the added risk was estimated to be only 11 percent.
Merck initially reported to the FDA that "it is not known whether Gardasil can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman" and continues to downplay risks for expectant mothers. However, studies have shown that pregnant women have a higher risk for adverse reactions, including miscarriages. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has reported 45 cases of spontaneous abortion, or miscarriage, following vaccination with Gardasil. At the time the vaccine was approved, five babies had been born with congenital birth defects after their mothers had been immunized with Gardasil, as opposed to a placebo group that had zero. Later reports put the number of birth defects in the vaccinated group closer to 40.
The risks to already exposed women and expectant mothers are magnified by the fact that there are no screenings recommended for existing HPV viruses or pregnancy – despite clear evidence of increased dangers and no protection. As the small print on the Cervarix product insert states: "Cervarix does not prevent HPV-related lesions in women infected with HPV 16 or HPV 18 at the time of vaccination and has not been shown to have a therapeutic effect."
As previously reported, Merck’s studies on Gardasil safety have been skewed from the outset due to using a “loaded” placebo. Instead of a normal saline solution, Merck removed only the HPV virus from their vaccine and thus used a placebo which contained such dangerous components as aluminum, polysorbate 80 and sodium borate.
Merck's promotion and defense of Gardasil are reminiscent of their previous blockbuster drug Vioxx. It took years and ultimately upwards of 60,000 deaths before Vioxx was finally pulled from the market. During the same time Merck was touting Vioxx's safety, it was also hiding and doctoring negative study results and paying doctors for signatures on papers ghost-written by Merck.
What you won’t see Merck reporting is the fact that nearly all cases of HPV are actually self-limiting. In other words, unless there is a weakened immune system, the body fixes HPV viruses all by itself.
Sources included: ...
Please visit our site at .
Tony Isaacs, Contributing Author, SaneVax Inc.
Tony Isaacs, is a natural health author, advocate and researcher who hosts The Best Years in Life website for baby boomers and others wishing to avoid prescription drugs and mainstream managed illness and live longer, healthier and happier lives naturally. Mr. Isaacs is the author of books and articles about natural health, longevity and beating cancer including "Cancer's Natural Enemy" and is working on a major book project due to be published in 2011.
# # #
THE SANE VAX MISSION is to promote Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices through education and information. We believe in science-based medicine.
Monday, January 17, 2011
15,000 Reasons to Support One More Girl Documentary Reporting on Gardasil Vaccine Injury and Death
As reports of injury and death related to the Gardasil HPV Vaccine continue to rise, a documentary is being developed to tell the story from the eyes of the victims and the parents. The Truth About Gardasil will soon be revealed.
PRLog (Press Release) – Jan 17, 2011 – There are now almost 15,000 signatures on the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) Investigate Gardasil Vaccine Risks NOW! petition, The goal is to reach 30,000 signatures and to send a strong message to President Barack Obama, his Administration, Congress and the world “to investigate the expedited licensing and universal use recommendation by federal health agencies that all girls aged 11-12 years old and young women up to age 26 receive three doses of Gardasil. The petition on behalf of families is urging the President and Congress to take action to minimize the human and economic costs of Gardasil vaccination for individuals and the public in order to protect the lives of Americans who trust the government to ensure that vaccines licensed for public use are safe, effective and necessary.”
SANEVax is reporting that as of January 15, there are now 21,171 adverse reactions and 91 deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. This is an estimated 1 to 10% of injuries and deaths reported. The United States government needs to know that medical consumers are demanding that an independent study be conducted on the safety and efficacy of Gardasil before the vaccine damages one more adolescent girl or boy.
Signing the petition – does not cost anything but your time…and your time is needed now. Once you read through the signatures and comments on the petition, you will begin to understand the global travesty unfolding before our very eyes. These are just a few of the comments that have been posted to the petition over the last week.
# 14,989
04:01, Jan 14, Joellen Leary, New York
My niece has experienced many seizures with damages done to her brain.
# 14,980
03:37, Jan 13, Jocelyne Gervais, Canada
A daughter's friend on FB died from Gardasil.
# 14,979
16:33, Jan 12, Michael G. White, South Carolina
Our 13 yr old daughter had a major uticaria outbreak 5 weeks after her 3rd gardasil shot. She now has had 3 major outbreaks in total. We are treating with Prednisone. This is a daily nightmare. We MUST get some help from Merck and our FDA/CDC agencies.
# 14,976
09:05, Jan 11, Cheryl Koehn, California
My daughter had all three shots and 5 weeks after her second shot she was hospitalized and diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, rare but still a side effect. She is 15 now and that was over two years ago and she is still in pain and has to endure giving herself two shots a week and taking other medications.
# 14,969
21:19, Jan 08, Jen Shawley, Pennsylvania
Daughter has epilepsy now. Had shot when she was 14. Is 16 now and cannot drive. Just had another grand mal 2 weeks ago. Seizures don’t run in our family, but funny how doc keeps blaming family history??? She is on high doses of meds 4500mg plus 2500 mg of another and shes still having seizures. God is her only answer to help her through this because these doctors don't know what there doing & meds are not working. Gardasil IS NOT SAFE!!!!! I cry every night because she didn't want this shot and I was pressured into doing the right thing for her by these stupid idiots that turn the other cheek to these side effects!!! God help us and heal these children. Make the families aware of the truth and keep are children safe. In your Holy name I pray, Amen…
The ‘One Less Girl’ campaign has turned into ONE MORE GIRL adversely injured.
When you get angry – and the SANE Vax Team hopes you become furious over this medical experiment injuring thousands of innocent girls and harming thousands of families, we are asking that you take the time to sign the petition is support of this families, and then, donate whatever you can to the production of the most important documentary of the 21st century, One More Girl. .
This provocative film documents the stories of the numerous girls adversely affected by the HPV vaccines – giving these young women and their families a chance to speak out – share their dismay and sense of betrayal for simply believing the pharmaceutical and medical industries were protecting them when marketing HPV vaccines for the prevention of cervical cancer. Filled with stories of anguish, loss of innocence, guilt on the part of mothers who encouraged their daughter’s to get the vaccine – and financial devastation as families use their hard-earned savings to find a cure for their daughter’s illness, leaving no viewer untouched. Interviews with mothers whose daughters lost their lives after receiving the vaccine bring tears to your eyes – raising the question of how the marketing of a medical experiment got by the world’s health regulatory agencies.
ThinkExist Productions is working in conjunction with two advocacy groups, ( and S.A.N.E.Vax, Inc. ( to include the history, research, and data both organizations have compiled over the last four years. Combined, the organization’s global networks include concerned activists in 120 countries and every state in the U.S. In addition to telling the stories of adverse reactions and death, the documentary will also cover the social/political trail of deception over the global mass marketing of the HPV vaccines.
The preview of One More Girl can be viewed at
There are 15,000 reasons to sign the NVIC Investigate Gardasil Vaccine Risks NOW! petition and to donate the to the production of the One More Girl documentary. Let us show the world that medical consumers are standing together on this issue.
Most importantly, the girls adversely injured by Gardasil want to tell their stories – to prevent others from being injured – and to be remembered as the victims of a vaccination program gone bad.
Sign the petition and donate today.
On behalf of the 21,000 adversely injured and the families of the 91 girls who have died, we thank you.
Please visit our site at
# # #
THE SANE VAX MISSION is to promote Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices through education and information. We believe in science-based medicine.
PRLog (Press Release) – Jan 17, 2011 – There are now almost 15,000 signatures on the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) Investigate Gardasil Vaccine Risks NOW! petition, The goal is to reach 30,000 signatures and to send a strong message to President Barack Obama, his Administration, Congress and the world “to investigate the expedited licensing and universal use recommendation by federal health agencies that all girls aged 11-12 years old and young women up to age 26 receive three doses of Gardasil. The petition on behalf of families is urging the President and Congress to take action to minimize the human and economic costs of Gardasil vaccination for individuals and the public in order to protect the lives of Americans who trust the government to ensure that vaccines licensed for public use are safe, effective and necessary.”
SANEVax is reporting that as of January 15, there are now 21,171 adverse reactions and 91 deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. This is an estimated 1 to 10% of injuries and deaths reported. The United States government needs to know that medical consumers are demanding that an independent study be conducted on the safety and efficacy of Gardasil before the vaccine damages one more adolescent girl or boy.
Signing the petition – does not cost anything but your time…and your time is needed now. Once you read through the signatures and comments on the petition, you will begin to understand the global travesty unfolding before our very eyes. These are just a few of the comments that have been posted to the petition over the last week.
# 14,989
04:01, Jan 14, Joellen Leary, New York
My niece has experienced many seizures with damages done to her brain.
# 14,980
03:37, Jan 13, Jocelyne Gervais, Canada
A daughter's friend on FB died from Gardasil.
# 14,979
16:33, Jan 12, Michael G. White, South Carolina
Our 13 yr old daughter had a major uticaria outbreak 5 weeks after her 3rd gardasil shot. She now has had 3 major outbreaks in total. We are treating with Prednisone. This is a daily nightmare. We MUST get some help from Merck and our FDA/CDC agencies.
# 14,976
09:05, Jan 11, Cheryl Koehn, California
My daughter had all three shots and 5 weeks after her second shot she was hospitalized and diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, rare but still a side effect. She is 15 now and that was over two years ago and she is still in pain and has to endure giving herself two shots a week and taking other medications.
# 14,969
21:19, Jan 08, Jen Shawley, Pennsylvania
Daughter has epilepsy now. Had shot when she was 14. Is 16 now and cannot drive. Just had another grand mal 2 weeks ago. Seizures don’t run in our family, but funny how doc keeps blaming family history??? She is on high doses of meds 4500mg plus 2500 mg of another and shes still having seizures. God is her only answer to help her through this because these doctors don't know what there doing & meds are not working. Gardasil IS NOT SAFE!!!!! I cry every night because she didn't want this shot and I was pressured into doing the right thing for her by these stupid idiots that turn the other cheek to these side effects!!! God help us and heal these children. Make the families aware of the truth and keep are children safe. In your Holy name I pray, Amen…
The ‘One Less Girl’ campaign has turned into ONE MORE GIRL adversely injured.
When you get angry – and the SANE Vax Team hopes you become furious over this medical experiment injuring thousands of innocent girls and harming thousands of families, we are asking that you take the time to sign the petition is support of this families, and then, donate whatever you can to the production of the most important documentary of the 21st century, One More Girl. .
This provocative film documents the stories of the numerous girls adversely affected by the HPV vaccines – giving these young women and their families a chance to speak out – share their dismay and sense of betrayal for simply believing the pharmaceutical and medical industries were protecting them when marketing HPV vaccines for the prevention of cervical cancer. Filled with stories of anguish, loss of innocence, guilt on the part of mothers who encouraged their daughter’s to get the vaccine – and financial devastation as families use their hard-earned savings to find a cure for their daughter’s illness, leaving no viewer untouched. Interviews with mothers whose daughters lost their lives after receiving the vaccine bring tears to your eyes – raising the question of how the marketing of a medical experiment got by the world’s health regulatory agencies.
ThinkExist Productions is working in conjunction with two advocacy groups, ( and S.A.N.E.Vax, Inc. ( to include the history, research, and data both organizations have compiled over the last four years. Combined, the organization’s global networks include concerned activists in 120 countries and every state in the U.S. In addition to telling the stories of adverse reactions and death, the documentary will also cover the social/political trail of deception over the global mass marketing of the HPV vaccines.
The preview of One More Girl can be viewed at
There are 15,000 reasons to sign the NVIC Investigate Gardasil Vaccine Risks NOW! petition and to donate the to the production of the One More Girl documentary. Let us show the world that medical consumers are standing together on this issue.
Most importantly, the girls adversely injured by Gardasil want to tell their stories – to prevent others from being injured – and to be remembered as the victims of a vaccination program gone bad.
Sign the petition and donate today.
On behalf of the 21,000 adversely injured and the families of the 91 girls who have died, we thank you.
Please visit our site at
# # #
THE SANE VAX MISSION is to promote Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices through education and information. We believe in science-based medicine.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
One More Girl Unveils Truth behind HPV Vaccine Travesty - Documentary Hailed as Social/Political Statement on Marketing of Global Medical Experiments
Jan 11, 2011 – Ryan Richardson and brother, David, announce the debut of a special preview of their new documentary, One More Girl
This provocative film documents the stories of the numerous girls adversely affected by the HPV vaccines – giving these young women and their families a chance to speak out – share their dismay and sense of betrayal for simply believing the pharmaceutical and medical industries were protecting them when marketing HPV vaccines for the prevention of cervical cancer. Filled with stories of anguish, loss of innocence, guilt on the part of mothers who encouraged their daughter’s to get the vaccine – and financial devastation as families use their hard-earned savings to find a cure for their daughter’s illness, leaving no viewer untouched. Interviews with mothers whose daughters lost their lives after receiving the vaccine bring tears to your eyes – raising the question of how the marketing of a medical experiment got by the world’s health regulatory agencies.
Donielle Richardson, 18 year old sister of the Richardson brothers was also adversely injured by Gardasil and it was her adverse reaction and long road to recovery that motivated the Richardson family to research other Gardasil injured girls. Their discoveries compelled them to create a documentary powerful enough to prevent this type of travesty from happening to any medical consumer – ever again.
ThinkExist Productions is working in conjunction with two advocacy groups, ( and S.A.N.E.Vax, Inc. ( to include the history, research, and data both organizations have compiled over the last four years. Combined, the organization’s global networks include concerned activists in 120 countries and every state in the U.S. In addition to telling the stories of adverse reactions and death, the documentary will also cover the social/political trail of deception over the global mass marketing of the HPV vaccines.
The preview of One More Girl can also be found on .... Kick Starter – Fund & Follow Creativity is a unique site for film producers and aficionados to preview documentary concepts and donate funds for the completion of the films. This is a new and exciting concept that puts film production back into the hands of the people who appreciate the power of documentary story telling instead of allowing the film industry to determine the nature and content of the message.
One More Girl anticipates the necessary funding will be raised in 90 days and has plans to go into full production the second quarter of 2011. The documentary release date is tentatively scheduled for the summer of 2012.
ThinkExist Productions,, and SA.N.E.Vax, Inc. plan to market One More Girl globally – and will enter the film into various film festivals. One More Girl promises to be a powerful documentary exposing the truth about HPV vaccines.
# # #
THE SANE VAX MISSION is to promote Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices through education and information. We believe in science-based medicine.
This provocative film documents the stories of the numerous girls adversely affected by the HPV vaccines – giving these young women and their families a chance to speak out – share their dismay and sense of betrayal for simply believing the pharmaceutical and medical industries were protecting them when marketing HPV vaccines for the prevention of cervical cancer. Filled with stories of anguish, loss of innocence, guilt on the part of mothers who encouraged their daughter’s to get the vaccine – and financial devastation as families use their hard-earned savings to find a cure for their daughter’s illness, leaving no viewer untouched. Interviews with mothers whose daughters lost their lives after receiving the vaccine bring tears to your eyes – raising the question of how the marketing of a medical experiment got by the world’s health regulatory agencies.
Donielle Richardson, 18 year old sister of the Richardson brothers was also adversely injured by Gardasil and it was her adverse reaction and long road to recovery that motivated the Richardson family to research other Gardasil injured girls. Their discoveries compelled them to create a documentary powerful enough to prevent this type of travesty from happening to any medical consumer – ever again.
ThinkExist Productions is working in conjunction with two advocacy groups, ( and S.A.N.E.Vax, Inc. ( to include the history, research, and data both organizations have compiled over the last four years. Combined, the organization’s global networks include concerned activists in 120 countries and every state in the U.S. In addition to telling the stories of adverse reactions and death, the documentary will also cover the social/political trail of deception over the global mass marketing of the HPV vaccines.
The preview of One More Girl can also be found on .... Kick Starter – Fund & Follow Creativity is a unique site for film producers and aficionados to preview documentary concepts and donate funds for the completion of the films. This is a new and exciting concept that puts film production back into the hands of the people who appreciate the power of documentary story telling instead of allowing the film industry to determine the nature and content of the message.
One More Girl anticipates the necessary funding will be raised in 90 days and has plans to go into full production the second quarter of 2011. The documentary release date is tentatively scheduled for the summer of 2012.
ThinkExist Productions,, and SA.N.E.Vax, Inc. plan to market One More Girl globally – and will enter the film into various film festivals. One More Girl promises to be a powerful documentary exposing the truth about HPV vaccines.
# # #
THE SANE VAX MISSION is to promote Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices through education and information. We believe in science-based medicine.
cervical cancer,
hpv vaccine,
HPV Vaccine Adverse Reactions,
truth about gardasil,
Vaccine Adverse Reactions,
vaccine injury
HPV Vaccines and Adverse Reactions: All in their Head or Adjuvant Syndrome?
By: Norma Erickson, President of SaneVax Inc.
11 January 2011
New Year’s Eve was a banner evening for independent researcher Grace Filby, not because of end-of-the-year celebrations, but because she discovered what may be one of the missing pieces of the puzzle surrounding HPV vaccines and the plethora of adverse side effects following in their wake.
Grace has been actively involved in the HPV vaccine controversy since the UK program began. New Year’s Eve, she received a request for help from a colleague and immediately decided to spend the day examining a detailed medical report about one of the first Cervarix casualties from 2008. This young girl began to experience intense pain, muscle weakness and vertigo within 30 minutes of her first and only injection. She ended up hospitalized for over a year suffering partial paralysis.
Though a long parade of eminent specialists could not determine whether the girl’s serious and long-term symptoms were vaccine-related, Munchhausen by proxy, or psychosomatic, Grace had already identified possible answers, such as the aluminum adjuvant added to the vaccine. Grace just may have uncovered evidence which confirms the theory.
She discovered a recently-published scientific paper titled, “ASIA – Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants.” This paper outlines four autoimmune related medical conditions that share a similar set of complex signs and symptoms, thereby suggesting a common denominator needing further investigation. These conditions are siliconosis, Gulf War Syndrome, macrophagic myofasciitis, and post-vaccination phenomenon.
Post-vaccination phenomenon? Imagine Grace’s reaction when she learned the adverse events following vaccination she had been dealing with for so long, not only had a name – but also a clearly defined potential mechanism of action, and a clearly defined list of suggested criteria for diagnosis.
When Grace forwarded the information to the SaneVax Team, they began by trying to discover a little about the authors of this impressive paper. The team discovered the lead author is no obscure scientist seeking to establish a reputation.
The principal author, Dr. Yehuda Shoenfeld is a physician, researcher, and head of the Department of Medicine at the Tel Aviv University. He has published over 1600 scientific papers in prestigious medical journals around the world. Dr. Shoenfeld has authored and/or edited 25 books dealing with autoimmune conditions, some of which have become cornerstones in science and clinical practice throughout the world. He is without a doubt one of the world’s foremost experts on autoimmune disorders.
His most recent scientific paper has monumental implications for vaccine-victims everywhere. To understand why, take a short trip through just one Gardasil victim’s story.
In June 2007, Brittney Fiste had her first injection of Gardasil; two months later, a second. Over three and a half years later, she is still fighting to completely recover from the adverse events she experienced after those two injections.
Since consenting to Gardasil vaccination, Brittney has seen over 40 specialists in various medical disciplines in a desperate attempt to discover the cause and cure for the multitude of ‘mysterious’ symptoms she has to deal with every day.
At least five of these specialists attribute Brittney’s symptoms to the HPV vaccine injections she received. One of them went so far as to say she would not have survived a third shot.
Some of the others, however, have diagnosed the cause of her health problems as stress, emotional disorders, ‘suspected’ disorders, psychiatric problems, and/or conversion disorder.
Still others have claimed the problems have been ‘imagined’ or ‘created’ by her parents (Munchhausen by proxy).
Some physicians have refused to see her once they were told a vaccine reaction was suspected.
These experiences are not uncommon for people who develop new medical conditions after vaccination. When that new medical condition has not yet been listed as a potential side effect for the vaccine administered, it is generally assumed to have been caused by some other factor.
By definition, any new medical condition after vaccination is an adverse event and should be reported. However, most people, including physicians, do not understand this.
For Brittney and her parents, it is nice to know that one of the world’s most pre-eminent authorities on autoimmune disorders admits vaccine injuries do occur and is actively working to determine the exact mechanisms of action leading up to them. They sincerely hope the news gets out to those battling vaccine injuries, whether they are victims or medical professionals.
In the meantime, Brittney has a mission. Instead of succumbing to her injuries, she chose to show the world what has happened in the hope she can save people from going through the same events she has experienced. She has produced multiple videos where she talks about her experiences, how her life and family has been affected, and issues warning messages to those considering HPV vaccination as a potential cancer prevention strategy.
If you, or someone you know, is considering HPV vaccination, Brittney would like you to watch this video first, then investigate before you decide whether the potential risks outweigh the potential benefits: Gardasil Injured Girl Speaks Out - Part 1
The SaneVax Team wants to know whether Dr. Shoenfeld’s findings will be circulated throughout the medical community, or buried under a mountain of studies conducted by those affiliated with the pharmaceutical industry? We want to know whether vaccine manufacturers will listen to him and attempt to help identify people who are at risk for vaccine-injuries, or do their best to discredit his findings as they have in the past when science conflicts with their agenda?
For more of Brittney’s story see:
Photos courtesy of Grace Filby and Roxie Fiste.
Press release with photos attached.
Link to press release here.
11 January 2011
New Year’s Eve was a banner evening for independent researcher Grace Filby, not because of end-of-the-year celebrations, but because she discovered what may be one of the missing pieces of the puzzle surrounding HPV vaccines and the plethora of adverse side effects following in their wake.
Grace has been actively involved in the HPV vaccine controversy since the UK program began. New Year’s Eve, she received a request for help from a colleague and immediately decided to spend the day examining a detailed medical report about one of the first Cervarix casualties from 2008. This young girl began to experience intense pain, muscle weakness and vertigo within 30 minutes of her first and only injection. She ended up hospitalized for over a year suffering partial paralysis.
Though a long parade of eminent specialists could not determine whether the girl’s serious and long-term symptoms were vaccine-related, Munchhausen by proxy, or psychosomatic, Grace had already identified possible answers, such as the aluminum adjuvant added to the vaccine. Grace just may have uncovered evidence which confirms the theory.
She discovered a recently-published scientific paper titled, “ASIA – Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants.” This paper outlines four autoimmune related medical conditions that share a similar set of complex signs and symptoms, thereby suggesting a common denominator needing further investigation. These conditions are siliconosis, Gulf War Syndrome, macrophagic myofasciitis, and post-vaccination phenomenon.
Post-vaccination phenomenon? Imagine Grace’s reaction when she learned the adverse events following vaccination she had been dealing with for so long, not only had a name – but also a clearly defined potential mechanism of action, and a clearly defined list of suggested criteria for diagnosis.
When Grace forwarded the information to the SaneVax Team, they began by trying to discover a little about the authors of this impressive paper. The team discovered the lead author is no obscure scientist seeking to establish a reputation.
The principal author, Dr. Yehuda Shoenfeld is a physician, researcher, and head of the Department of Medicine at the Tel Aviv University. He has published over 1600 scientific papers in prestigious medical journals around the world. Dr. Shoenfeld has authored and/or edited 25 books dealing with autoimmune conditions, some of which have become cornerstones in science and clinical practice throughout the world. He is without a doubt one of the world’s foremost experts on autoimmune disorders.
His most recent scientific paper has monumental implications for vaccine-victims everywhere. To understand why, take a short trip through just one Gardasil victim’s story.
In June 2007, Brittney Fiste had her first injection of Gardasil; two months later, a second. Over three and a half years later, she is still fighting to completely recover from the adverse events she experienced after those two injections.
Since consenting to Gardasil vaccination, Brittney has seen over 40 specialists in various medical disciplines in a desperate attempt to discover the cause and cure for the multitude of ‘mysterious’ symptoms she has to deal with every day.
At least five of these specialists attribute Brittney’s symptoms to the HPV vaccine injections she received. One of them went so far as to say she would not have survived a third shot.
Some of the others, however, have diagnosed the cause of her health problems as stress, emotional disorders, ‘suspected’ disorders, psychiatric problems, and/or conversion disorder.
Still others have claimed the problems have been ‘imagined’ or ‘created’ by her parents (Munchhausen by proxy).
Some physicians have refused to see her once they were told a vaccine reaction was suspected.
These experiences are not uncommon for people who develop new medical conditions after vaccination. When that new medical condition has not yet been listed as a potential side effect for the vaccine administered, it is generally assumed to have been caused by some other factor.
By definition, any new medical condition after vaccination is an adverse event and should be reported. However, most people, including physicians, do not understand this.
For Brittney and her parents, it is nice to know that one of the world’s most pre-eminent authorities on autoimmune disorders admits vaccine injuries do occur and is actively working to determine the exact mechanisms of action leading up to them. They sincerely hope the news gets out to those battling vaccine injuries, whether they are victims or medical professionals.
In the meantime, Brittney has a mission. Instead of succumbing to her injuries, she chose to show the world what has happened in the hope she can save people from going through the same events she has experienced. She has produced multiple videos where she talks about her experiences, how her life and family has been affected, and issues warning messages to those considering HPV vaccination as a potential cancer prevention strategy.
If you, or someone you know, is considering HPV vaccination, Brittney would like you to watch this video first, then investigate before you decide whether the potential risks outweigh the potential benefits: Gardasil Injured Girl Speaks Out - Part 1
The SaneVax Team wants to know whether Dr. Shoenfeld’s findings will be circulated throughout the medical community, or buried under a mountain of studies conducted by those affiliated with the pharmaceutical industry? We want to know whether vaccine manufacturers will listen to him and attempt to help identify people who are at risk for vaccine-injuries, or do their best to discredit his findings as they have in the past when science conflicts with their agenda?
For more of Brittney’s story see:
Photos courtesy of Grace Filby and Roxie Fiste.
Press release with photos attached.
Link to press release here.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
SANE Vax Inc. greets the New Year with a call to action
The beginning of a New Year is traditionally a time for reflecting on the past and making plans for the future. It is no different for the SaneVax Team.
Jan 08, 2011 – As the SaneVax Team looks back on 2010, we marvel at the phenomenal events we have witnessed and/or participated in. It would be impossible to enumerate all of them, but here are a few highlights:
Six women from around the world came together with a common goal: to create a world where only Safe, Affordable, Necessary and Effective vaccines are allowed. A few short months later, we have support from countless individuals and groups around the world.
Medical professionals around the world began to recognize vaccine injuries exist and voice their concerns.
Even though 80% of the world’s new cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed in India, government officials called a halt to two HPV vaccination ‘demonstration projects’ when allegations of ethical violations and safety concerns were raised by citizen health advocates.
France refused to bow to political or financial pressure from pharmaceutical companies when they banned the advertisement of Gardasil as a means to prevent cervical cancer.
A survey of American parents overwhelmingly stated medical research dollars should be spent on vaccine safety.
Despite multi-million dollar award winning advertising campaigns by pharmaceutical companies and government agencies, medical consumers around the world are choosing to investigate before they vaccinate.
2010 was a year for positive action in the world of vaccination safety, but there is much left to be done if we are going to actually create a world where medical consumers accept nothing less than safe, affordable, necessary and effective vaccines.
SaneVax was established to create a clearinghouse of information so vaccine victims can find what they need quickly without having to search the internet for hours on end. We are now contacted by medical consumers globally with personal accounts of adverse reactions to vaccines and requests for more information. The need is critical.
These are areas where we need your help:
1. Vaccine Groups – if your group is organized to promote vaccine safety, public awareness of vaccine risks, or assistance for the vaccine injured and their families, we would like to provide a link to your website.
2. Medical Professionals – if you have experience treating the vaccine injured, or want to help develop new treatment protocols, we would not only like to include a link to your website, but also invite you to participate in our medical forum. Our medical forum is private, for professionals only, and password protected – to maintain your privacy. This is a place where you can collaborate with others across multiple disciplines to try and discover new and effective treatment protocols and/or establish causal relationships between vaccines and subsequent adverse events.
3. Political Action Groups – if your organization is political active in the vaccine arena, or teaches others how to become politically active, we would like to provide a link to your website.
4. Attorneys – if your firm specializes in vaccine-injury cases, or vaccine product liability cases, we would like to make this information available to victims via a link to your site.
5. Vaccine Victims’ Hotline – if you are willing to assist vaccine victims by answering questions, providing emotional support, helping them file a report on their injuries, or assist them in locating medical or legal help, please volunteer to help with our hotline. Our team will guide you through the process until you are comfortable on your own.
6. Internet Research – the SaneVax Team spends countless hours researching vaccine-related issues, but there are so many areas of critical interest to medical consumers we just cannot handle all of them. If you are interested in helping compile crucial information, please contact us – we will let you know what area needs attention and help get you started.
Please take a few minutes to look at our Resources Section on the SaneVax website to get an idea of the type of information we are sharing with the world. It does not matter where you are located, your information and contribution is vital to the public health and welfare.
Should you or your organization be interested in either links to your group’s information on SaneVax or volunteering to help with the Hotline or research, please contact us at either, or We will be more than happy to get you started.
If you wish to financially support the SaneVax Mission, there is a convenient ‘donate’ button on the lower right-hand side of the homepage at Our task is huge – any and all contributions are greatly appreciated.
Science and research will one day substantiate the concerns medical consumers worldwide have regarding current vaccination practices.
The SaneVax Team believes the only way to ensure medical consumers around the world accept only Safe, Affordable, Necessary and Effective vaccines and vaccination practices is to make sure they have enough accurate information to make an informed and intelligent decision.
Please, help make this vision a reality.
Norma Erickson, President
Leslie C. Botha, Vice President Public Relations
Rosemary Mathis, Vice President Victim Support
Janny Stokvis, Vice President Research
Freda Birrell, Secretary
Linda Thompson, Treasurer
(S.A.N.E. Vax Inc. is registered as a non-profit organization in the State of Montana)
# # #
Please visit our site at
SaneVax believes only Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices should be offered to the public. Our primary goal is to provide scientific information/resources for those concerned about vaccine safety, efficacy and need.
Jan 08, 2011 – As the SaneVax Team looks back on 2010, we marvel at the phenomenal events we have witnessed and/or participated in. It would be impossible to enumerate all of them, but here are a few highlights:
Six women from around the world came together with a common goal: to create a world where only Safe, Affordable, Necessary and Effective vaccines are allowed. A few short months later, we have support from countless individuals and groups around the world.
Medical professionals around the world began to recognize vaccine injuries exist and voice their concerns.
Even though 80% of the world’s new cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed in India, government officials called a halt to two HPV vaccination ‘demonstration projects’ when allegations of ethical violations and safety concerns were raised by citizen health advocates.
France refused to bow to political or financial pressure from pharmaceutical companies when they banned the advertisement of Gardasil as a means to prevent cervical cancer.
A survey of American parents overwhelmingly stated medical research dollars should be spent on vaccine safety.
Despite multi-million dollar award winning advertising campaigns by pharmaceutical companies and government agencies, medical consumers around the world are choosing to investigate before they vaccinate.
2010 was a year for positive action in the world of vaccination safety, but there is much left to be done if we are going to actually create a world where medical consumers accept nothing less than safe, affordable, necessary and effective vaccines.
SaneVax was established to create a clearinghouse of information so vaccine victims can find what they need quickly without having to search the internet for hours on end. We are now contacted by medical consumers globally with personal accounts of adverse reactions to vaccines and requests for more information. The need is critical.
These are areas where we need your help:
1. Vaccine Groups – if your group is organized to promote vaccine safety, public awareness of vaccine risks, or assistance for the vaccine injured and their families, we would like to provide a link to your website.
2. Medical Professionals – if you have experience treating the vaccine injured, or want to help develop new treatment protocols, we would not only like to include a link to your website, but also invite you to participate in our medical forum. Our medical forum is private, for professionals only, and password protected – to maintain your privacy. This is a place where you can collaborate with others across multiple disciplines to try and discover new and effective treatment protocols and/or establish causal relationships between vaccines and subsequent adverse events.
3. Political Action Groups – if your organization is political active in the vaccine arena, or teaches others how to become politically active, we would like to provide a link to your website.
4. Attorneys – if your firm specializes in vaccine-injury cases, or vaccine product liability cases, we would like to make this information available to victims via a link to your site.
5. Vaccine Victims’ Hotline – if you are willing to assist vaccine victims by answering questions, providing emotional support, helping them file a report on their injuries, or assist them in locating medical or legal help, please volunteer to help with our hotline. Our team will guide you through the process until you are comfortable on your own.
6. Internet Research – the SaneVax Team spends countless hours researching vaccine-related issues, but there are so many areas of critical interest to medical consumers we just cannot handle all of them. If you are interested in helping compile crucial information, please contact us – we will let you know what area needs attention and help get you started.
Please take a few minutes to look at our Resources Section on the SaneVax website to get an idea of the type of information we are sharing with the world. It does not matter where you are located, your information and contribution is vital to the public health and welfare.
Should you or your organization be interested in either links to your group’s information on SaneVax or volunteering to help with the Hotline or research, please contact us at either, or We will be more than happy to get you started.
If you wish to financially support the SaneVax Mission, there is a convenient ‘donate’ button on the lower right-hand side of the homepage at Our task is huge – any and all contributions are greatly appreciated.
Science and research will one day substantiate the concerns medical consumers worldwide have regarding current vaccination practices.
The SaneVax Team believes the only way to ensure medical consumers around the world accept only Safe, Affordable, Necessary and Effective vaccines and vaccination practices is to make sure they have enough accurate information to make an informed and intelligent decision.
Please, help make this vision a reality.
Norma Erickson, President
Leslie C. Botha, Vice President Public Relations
Rosemary Mathis, Vice President Victim Support
Janny Stokvis, Vice President Research
Freda Birrell, Secretary
Linda Thompson, Treasurer
(S.A.N.E. Vax Inc. is registered as a non-profit organization in the State of Montana)
# # #
Please visit our site at
SaneVax believes only Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices should be offered to the public. Our primary goal is to provide scientific information/resources for those concerned about vaccine safety, efficacy and need.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Global Concerns about Gardasil–Stating the Obvious-93 countries Visit the SANEVax Site in 104 Days
Vaccine Injury is a GLOBAL issue. 93 countries visit SANEVax since new website opened in September. Is this an indicator of how widespread the issue is?
Jan 06, 2011 – On September 16, 2010 five women active on the HPV vaccine issue Norma Erickson, Leslie Carol Botha, Rosemary Mathis, Freda Birrell and Janny Stokvis launched a new website – – as a clearinghouse of research, data and peer reviewed analysis/studies for professionals (attorneys, researchers, physicians, politicians) and consumers searching for information not only regarding the HPV vaccines, Gardasil® and Cervarix®, but other vaccinations of concern as well.
The SANEVax mission is to promote Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices through education and information. We believe in science-based medicine. Our primary goal is to provide the information necessary for you to make informed decisions regarding your health and well-being. We also provide referrals to helpful resources for those unfortunate enough to have experienced vaccine-related injuries.
Obviously, the SANEVax message and mission drew immediate world wide attention. As of December 30, visitors from 93 countries have visited the site – as well as visitors from every state in the U.S. Average length of time on the site is over 6 minutes. has become known the world over for its research-based press releases, articles and letters to government officials protesting continued distribution and administration of the HPV vaccines until an independent study on their safety and efficacy has been conducted.
Those countries in order of ranking are: United States, Italy, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, France, Netherlands, Spain, India, New Zealand, Belgium, China, Malaysia, Germany, Singapore, Norway, Greece, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, Sweden Philippines, Slovakia, Finland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Israel, Poland, Thailand, Romania, Brazil, Taiwan, South Africa, Mexico, republic of Korea, Japan, Austria, Saudi Arabia, Puerto Rico, Indonesia, Hungary, Egypt, Czech Republic, Colombia, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Hong Kong, Estonia, Viet Nam, Turkey, Slovenia, Serbia, Pakistan, Denmark, Croatia, Ukraine, Republic of Moldova, Malta, Lithuania, Latvia, Jamaica, Islam Republic of Iran, Iceland, Ecuador, Chile, Virgin Islands, U.S., Uganda, Trinidad and Tobago, Seychelles, San Marina, Qatar, Peru, Northern Mariana Islands, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Netherlands, Antilles, Morocco, Macedonia, Kuwait, Kenya, Jordan, Guatemala, Guam, Grenada, Georgia, Bolivia, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Bahamas, Argentina, Angola, Algeria and Albania.
In addition, the SANEVax Facebook account now has over 2000 confirmed friends and is growing weekly.
Global Concerns about Gardasil? Isn’t the obvious – obvious?
Please visit the site at .
# # #
THE SANE VAX MISSION is to promote Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices through education and information. We believe in science-based medicine.
Jan 06, 2011 – On September 16, 2010 five women active on the HPV vaccine issue Norma Erickson, Leslie Carol Botha, Rosemary Mathis, Freda Birrell and Janny Stokvis launched a new website – – as a clearinghouse of research, data and peer reviewed analysis/studies for professionals (attorneys, researchers, physicians, politicians) and consumers searching for information not only regarding the HPV vaccines, Gardasil® and Cervarix®, but other vaccinations of concern as well.
The SANEVax mission is to promote Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices through education and information. We believe in science-based medicine. Our primary goal is to provide the information necessary for you to make informed decisions regarding your health and well-being. We also provide referrals to helpful resources for those unfortunate enough to have experienced vaccine-related injuries.
Obviously, the SANEVax message and mission drew immediate world wide attention. As of December 30, visitors from 93 countries have visited the site – as well as visitors from every state in the U.S. Average length of time on the site is over 6 minutes. has become known the world over for its research-based press releases, articles and letters to government officials protesting continued distribution and administration of the HPV vaccines until an independent study on their safety and efficacy has been conducted.
Those countries in order of ranking are: United States, Italy, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, France, Netherlands, Spain, India, New Zealand, Belgium, China, Malaysia, Germany, Singapore, Norway, Greece, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, Sweden Philippines, Slovakia, Finland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Israel, Poland, Thailand, Romania, Brazil, Taiwan, South Africa, Mexico, republic of Korea, Japan, Austria, Saudi Arabia, Puerto Rico, Indonesia, Hungary, Egypt, Czech Republic, Colombia, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Hong Kong, Estonia, Viet Nam, Turkey, Slovenia, Serbia, Pakistan, Denmark, Croatia, Ukraine, Republic of Moldova, Malta, Lithuania, Latvia, Jamaica, Islam Republic of Iran, Iceland, Ecuador, Chile, Virgin Islands, U.S., Uganda, Trinidad and Tobago, Seychelles, San Marina, Qatar, Peru, Northern Mariana Islands, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Netherlands, Antilles, Morocco, Macedonia, Kuwait, Kenya, Jordan, Guatemala, Guam, Grenada, Georgia, Bolivia, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Bahamas, Argentina, Angola, Algeria and Albania.
In addition, the SANEVax Facebook account now has over 2000 confirmed friends and is growing weekly.
Global Concerns about Gardasil? Isn’t the obvious – obvious?
Please visit the site at .
# # #
THE SANE VAX MISSION is to promote Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices through education and information. We believe in science-based medicine.
Cervarix - Armed for life? United Kingdom says ‘NO’ as they battle false advertising
31 August 2010, France banned advertising Gardasil as an anti-cancer vaccine in their country. Activists from the United Kingdom are battling the same problem with the advertising campaign for GlaxoSmithKline’s HPV vaccine, Cervarix.
Jan 06, 2011 – It appears false marketing claims are not limited to a single manufacturer and/or distributor of HPV vaccines.
2 February 2010, investigative journalist, Christina England, wrote an article entitled, “Cervarix HPV vaccine adverts are untrue and should be banned.” At the time, she was talking about advertisements plastered on the sides of buses used for transportation along every school route in West Sussex and the route to a local hospital. The advertisements proclaiming Cervarix would ensure you were ‘armed for life’ against cervical cancer were also posted inside the buses and on bathroom doors in local cinemas.
According to Christina, and scientists around the world, giving medical consumers the impression of lifelong protection from the possibility of contracting cervical cancer was an out and out lie. Christina felt compelled to file a formal complaint with the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).
Apparently, they agreed with her. By 03 March 2010, the ASA had resolved the matter informally and West Sussex Primary Care Trust was required to remove the offending advertisements.
The Advertising Standards Authority demanded that the words “arm yourself for life” must be changed or removed. The complaint against West Sussex PCT was resolved and the results posted online with no mention of the vaccination programme. (See Grace Filby’s article, “Truth about Cervarix, a modern history lesson” for more information.)
Subsequently, the UK Department of Health advertising campaign was halted and the advertisements almost completely removed from the internet. The only references now found are on personal websites, such as the two referenced above.
However, websites do not come under the purview of ASA in the United Kingdom. Grace Filby recently discovered websites sponsored by Westminster Primary Care Trust which ignore the order to remove the words, “arm yourself for life,” and make misleading claims.
Grace responded by going to the source of the offending advertisements. She contacted Westminster PCT and demanded the ads be modified or removed, and that the National Health Service Westminster make a public statement regarding said changes.
Her contact at Westminster PCT has indicated it will take approximately 25 working days to ‘sort things out,’ and that their decision will be ‘guided by the Department of Health.’
On behalf of medical consumers around the world, the SaneVax Team would like to thank Christina England, Grace Filby, and all activists in the United Kingdom fighting to make sure the truth is told. It is high time pharmaceutical companies were required to print the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, about their latest ‘medical miracles.’
If pharmaceutical companies must depend on marketing spins and distorting the truth to convince medical consumers to buy into their campaigns, then perhaps their medical miracles are not such miracles after all.
* For more info, see: ...
* For more info, see:
# # #
Please visit our site at
SaneVax believes only Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices should be offered to the public. Our primary goal is to provide scientific information/resources for those concerned about vaccine safety, efficacy and need.
Jan 06, 2011 – It appears false marketing claims are not limited to a single manufacturer and/or distributor of HPV vaccines.
2 February 2010, investigative journalist, Christina England, wrote an article entitled, “Cervarix HPV vaccine adverts are untrue and should be banned.” At the time, she was talking about advertisements plastered on the sides of buses used for transportation along every school route in West Sussex and the route to a local hospital. The advertisements proclaiming Cervarix would ensure you were ‘armed for life’ against cervical cancer were also posted inside the buses and on bathroom doors in local cinemas.
According to Christina, and scientists around the world, giving medical consumers the impression of lifelong protection from the possibility of contracting cervical cancer was an out and out lie. Christina felt compelled to file a formal complaint with the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).
Apparently, they agreed with her. By 03 March 2010, the ASA had resolved the matter informally and West Sussex Primary Care Trust was required to remove the offending advertisements.
The Advertising Standards Authority demanded that the words “arm yourself for life” must be changed or removed. The complaint against West Sussex PCT was resolved and the results posted online with no mention of the vaccination programme. (See Grace Filby’s article, “Truth about Cervarix, a modern history lesson” for more information.)
Subsequently, the UK Department of Health advertising campaign was halted and the advertisements almost completely removed from the internet. The only references now found are on personal websites, such as the two referenced above.
However, websites do not come under the purview of ASA in the United Kingdom. Grace Filby recently discovered websites sponsored by Westminster Primary Care Trust which ignore the order to remove the words, “arm yourself for life,” and make misleading claims.
Grace responded by going to the source of the offending advertisements. She contacted Westminster PCT and demanded the ads be modified or removed, and that the National Health Service Westminster make a public statement regarding said changes.
Her contact at Westminster PCT has indicated it will take approximately 25 working days to ‘sort things out,’ and that their decision will be ‘guided by the Department of Health.’
On behalf of medical consumers around the world, the SaneVax Team would like to thank Christina England, Grace Filby, and all activists in the United Kingdom fighting to make sure the truth is told. It is high time pharmaceutical companies were required to print the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, about their latest ‘medical miracles.’
If pharmaceutical companies must depend on marketing spins and distorting the truth to convince medical consumers to buy into their campaigns, then perhaps their medical miracles are not such miracles after all.
* For more info, see: ...
* For more info, see:
# # #
Please visit our site at
SaneVax believes only Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices should be offered to the public. Our primary goal is to provide scientific information/resources for those concerned about vaccine safety, efficacy and need.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
“Gardasil, One Less Victim of Cervical Cancer?” France says ‘NO’ as they ban Gardasil ads
France says the award winning advertising campaign for Gardasil is false and misleading. The Sanevax Team wants to know - Where was the press coverage when this happened? Why did no one break the news to the public?
Jan 04, 2011 – Amidst all of the media hype surrounding HPV vaccines, the traditional press has remained silent on many critical issues, not the least of which occurred on the 31 of August 2010 in France. As of that date, Merck’s marketing partner for the HPV vaccine Gardasil, Sanofli-Pasteur, was officially prohibited from advertising Gardasil for cervical cancer prevention in France.
According to public documentation, the Director General of the French Agency for Safety of Health Products (AFSSAPS) found the sponsor of several Gardasil ads to be in direct violation of the French public health code.
These violations included, but were not limited to:
* Claiming longer efficacy than was actually proven: The ads stated an 8.5 year efficacy period when, in fact, “the only data of validated efficacy of GARDASIL in the WMA is limited to a maximum assessment of the effectiveness of 4.5 years…..”
* Making false claims: The ads in question replaced the officially approved use of Gardasil for the “prevention of low-grade lesions (cervical dysplasia and vulvar)” with statements indicating Gardasil be used for “the prevention of premalignant genital lesions (cervical uterus, vulva and vagina), cancers of the cervix and external genital warts…..”
*More false claims: According to the French Committee on Immunization Practices (CTV) and the High Council of Public Health (HCSP), “the vaccine’s impact on the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer will only become apparent in the long term, in fifteen to twenty-five years….”
With these and other violations in mind, the Director of AFSSAPS stepped up to the plate and prohibited Sanofli-Pasteur from advertising Gardasil as a vaccine to prevent cervical cancer in France.
The SaneVax Team would like to formally thank the French government for examining the situation and taking appropriate action. We sincerely hope governments around the world follow your example and prohibit pharmaceutical companies from continuing to mislead medical professionals and consumers by distorting data and making claims of facts where none exist.
The SaneVax Team would also like to know why this story was not covered by any of our traditional press counterparts. Where are all of the investigative journalists in the world? One has to wonder.
(Note: Traditional media has ignored this story to such an extent; it took the SaneVax Team some time to confirm the rumor. We had to resort to contacting colleagues working with the Association for those Affected by HPV Vaccines, in Spain to track down official records of the incident. On behalf of medical consumers the world over, SANE Vax, Inc. thanks them for their assistance.)
For more info, visit;jsessionid= ... to see the French documentation
For more info on AAVP, visit
# # #
SaneVax believes only Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices should be offered to the public. Our primary goal is to provide scientific information/resources for those concerned about vaccine safety, efficacy and need.
Jan 04, 2011 – Amidst all of the media hype surrounding HPV vaccines, the traditional press has remained silent on many critical issues, not the least of which occurred on the 31 of August 2010 in France. As of that date, Merck’s marketing partner for the HPV vaccine Gardasil, Sanofli-Pasteur, was officially prohibited from advertising Gardasil for cervical cancer prevention in France.
According to public documentation, the Director General of the French Agency for Safety of Health Products (AFSSAPS) found the sponsor of several Gardasil ads to be in direct violation of the French public health code.
These violations included, but were not limited to:
* Claiming longer efficacy than was actually proven: The ads stated an 8.5 year efficacy period when, in fact, “the only data of validated efficacy of GARDASIL in the WMA is limited to a maximum assessment of the effectiveness of 4.5 years…..”
* Making false claims: The ads in question replaced the officially approved use of Gardasil for the “prevention of low-grade lesions (cervical dysplasia and vulvar)” with statements indicating Gardasil be used for “the prevention of premalignant genital lesions (cervical uterus, vulva and vagina), cancers of the cervix and external genital warts…..”
*More false claims: According to the French Committee on Immunization Practices (CTV) and the High Council of Public Health (HCSP), “the vaccine’s impact on the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer will only become apparent in the long term, in fifteen to twenty-five years….”
With these and other violations in mind, the Director of AFSSAPS stepped up to the plate and prohibited Sanofli-Pasteur from advertising Gardasil as a vaccine to prevent cervical cancer in France.
The SaneVax Team would like to formally thank the French government for examining the situation and taking appropriate action. We sincerely hope governments around the world follow your example and prohibit pharmaceutical companies from continuing to mislead medical professionals and consumers by distorting data and making claims of facts where none exist.
The SaneVax Team would also like to know why this story was not covered by any of our traditional press counterparts. Where are all of the investigative journalists in the world? One has to wonder.
(Note: Traditional media has ignored this story to such an extent; it took the SaneVax Team some time to confirm the rumor. We had to resort to contacting colleagues working with the Association for those Affected by HPV Vaccines, in Spain to track down official records of the incident. On behalf of medical consumers the world over, SANE Vax, Inc. thanks them for their assistance.)
For more info, visit;jsessionid= ... to see the French documentation
For more info on AAVP, visit
# # #
SaneVax believes only Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices should be offered to the public. Our primary goal is to provide scientific information/resources for those concerned about vaccine safety, efficacy and need.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
A Gardasil Girl – A Mother Speaks Out
A mother's struggle after her daughter becomes injured by the HPV Vaccine Gardasil. Where does she turn for help? The horrible reality of what is occurring to our children after vaccination with the HPV Vaccine.
Jan 02, 2011 – The Daily Guggie Daly
by Jodie Speakman
“My daughter, Victoria, has been ill since February 2008. She had her first Gardasil vaccination November 2007. Her second vaccination was in the beginning of February 2008. Immediately after her second vaccination, Victoria experienced severe diarrhea, vomiting and was nauseous for about eight weeks. She had blood work done many times and doctors thought it was just a virus. On March 31, 2008, she had her first seizure.
My daughter has had several CT scans, MRI’s, MRA’s, EEG’s, blood work and was hospitalized at an epilepsy center in the video EEG monitoring unit for two separate weeks in May 2008 and September 2008. She attempted to undergo a spinal tap in September 2009, but doctors were unable to obtain any fluid. On November 11, 2009, she underwent a lumbar puncture with fluoroscopy. She was put on many different seizure medications, however, after normal EEG results, she was taken off all medications. Her SED rate was high and she did have protein in her urine, but doctors do not seem concerned. I was told that her red blood are small and that she may have Thalasemia, but this apparently is not concerning either.
My daughter has been seen by several neurologists, a psychiatrist, psychologist, several neuropsychologists, an immunologist, several infectious disease doctors, and also treated a at Wellness Center for a period of time. My daughter currently experiences the following symptoms: non-epileptic seizures, severe jerking movements of her whole body, especially her mouth and extremities, migraines, fainting, tremors, twitches, numbness, intermittent leg paralysis, hand/arm paralysis and facial paralysis, tingling, staring or blank episodes, eye pain, joint pain, neck pain, back pain, memory loss, confusion, brain fog, regression, mood swings and severe chronic fatigue. She continues to have bouts of nausea and diarrhea and stomach pain. She has not been in school since April 2008. My daughter cannot be left home alone. She cannot go to school, go out with her friends or work or has little “normalcy” in her life. She has very few good days and always says she doesn’t feel good. Victoria should have graduated high school in June 2009 and would have been enrolled in college.
I do not know which way to turn for help. We have seen so many doctors and I can’t seem to find anyone willing to help my daughter. There are so many other young girls who have the same exact symptoms as my daughter and the one thing that all of the girls seem to have in common is the Gardasil vaccination. Many doctors are all over the country are beginning to question the safety and also the effectiveness of the vaccine. Other “doctor” are willing to “try” treatment, most of which is “homeopathic” in nature and extremely costly.
Once again, I must reiterate that there are so many other young girls experiencing negative symptoms.
Each day, I cry and wonder if Victoria will be next one to die from adverse reactions to Gardasil.
Please forward this information.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Jodi Speakman
For more information, go to
# # #
THE SANE VAX MISSION is to promote Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices through education and information. We believe in science-based medicine.
Jan 02, 2011 – The Daily Guggie Daly
by Jodie Speakman
“My daughter, Victoria, has been ill since February 2008. She had her first Gardasil vaccination November 2007. Her second vaccination was in the beginning of February 2008. Immediately after her second vaccination, Victoria experienced severe diarrhea, vomiting and was nauseous for about eight weeks. She had blood work done many times and doctors thought it was just a virus. On March 31, 2008, she had her first seizure.
My daughter has had several CT scans, MRI’s, MRA’s, EEG’s, blood work and was hospitalized at an epilepsy center in the video EEG monitoring unit for two separate weeks in May 2008 and September 2008. She attempted to undergo a spinal tap in September 2009, but doctors were unable to obtain any fluid. On November 11, 2009, she underwent a lumbar puncture with fluoroscopy. She was put on many different seizure medications, however, after normal EEG results, she was taken off all medications. Her SED rate was high and she did have protein in her urine, but doctors do not seem concerned. I was told that her red blood are small and that she may have Thalasemia, but this apparently is not concerning either.
My daughter has been seen by several neurologists, a psychiatrist, psychologist, several neuropsychologists, an immunologist, several infectious disease doctors, and also treated a at Wellness Center for a period of time. My daughter currently experiences the following symptoms: non-epileptic seizures, severe jerking movements of her whole body, especially her mouth and extremities, migraines, fainting, tremors, twitches, numbness, intermittent leg paralysis, hand/arm paralysis and facial paralysis, tingling, staring or blank episodes, eye pain, joint pain, neck pain, back pain, memory loss, confusion, brain fog, regression, mood swings and severe chronic fatigue. She continues to have bouts of nausea and diarrhea and stomach pain. She has not been in school since April 2008. My daughter cannot be left home alone. She cannot go to school, go out with her friends or work or has little “normalcy” in her life. She has very few good days and always says she doesn’t feel good. Victoria should have graduated high school in June 2009 and would have been enrolled in college.
I do not know which way to turn for help. We have seen so many doctors and I can’t seem to find anyone willing to help my daughter. There are so many other young girls who have the same exact symptoms as my daughter and the one thing that all of the girls seem to have in common is the Gardasil vaccination. Many doctors are all over the country are beginning to question the safety and also the effectiveness of the vaccine. Other “doctor” are willing to “try” treatment, most of which is “homeopathic” in nature and extremely costly.
Once again, I must reiterate that there are so many other young girls experiencing negative symptoms.
Each day, I cry and wonder if Victoria will be next one to die from adverse reactions to Gardasil.
Please forward this information.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Jodi Speakman
For more information, go to
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THE SANE VAX MISSION is to promote Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices through education and information. We believe in science-based medicine.
cervical cancer,
hpv vaccine,
HPV Vaccine Adverse Reactions,
truth about gardasil,
Vaccine Adverse Reactions,
vaccine injury
14 – Year Old Girl Posts Question about Potential Gardasil Adverse Reaction - VAERS Data on HPV Vaccine Injuries Available at
On December 30, a Google Alert on Gardasil picked up a post from a 14 year old girl concerned about her onset of severe headaches after receiving the vaccine on a week to 10 days earlier.
I got the Gardasil shot around the 21st or 22nd and….?
Published on December 30, 2010
I have throbbing headaches, just on my right side.
I got the shot on my left and I got another one on right (I can’t remember what it was called). I just took 3 ibuprofens and it will slowly go away, but it comes back sometimes. But before I go the shots, I never honestly got headaches like this. Is this normal, or should I go see a Doctor? BTW I’m 14.
There are many issues surrounding this post that SANEVax, Inc. would like to address.
First and foremost, what would motivate this adolescent girl to post this question? Fear? Imagine this young woman alone on her computer – suffering from severe headaches – unsure of adverse reactions to not only one – but a second vaccine whose name she cannot remember– or combination thereof…that is causing her so much distress and prompting her to send a post out to cyberspace – hoping to get a response.
The second and even more important question – how many other girls are living in silence with the same fears/concerns and not knowing where to turn?
The third question is – how do you let a young girl know she may be experiencing a life-threatening condition? Many of the girls who died suddenly, unexpectedly; literally dropping dead complained of severe headaches.
In December 2008, Anabelle Morin’s mother found the teenage girl unconscious in the bathtub of their home. Just days earlier, the teenager had received her second dose of Gardasil, which vaccinates against the HPV virus, a sexually-transmitted infection that can be a precursor to cervical cancer.
And the other obvious questions: Where are her parents? Are they listening, concerned – educated about potential HPV adverse reactions? How will her doctor respond – “it is all in your head;” (literally), but a response that so many other girls and their families suffering from adverse reactions are getting from their primary care providers.
Obviously, this innocent adolescent does not know about VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) – and she is one of the 90 to 99% not reporting their symptoms.
Why are we subjecting adolescent girls to such fear, horror and potential health damages that may affect them for years to come? Where is the justice? Where is the rationale?
New reports in early December focused on the failure of girls to finish the vaccine series….raising speculation of race disparity, and the speculation that clinic visits for contraception might have increased the opportunity for vaccination.
In a single-institution retrospective analysis, only 14% of girls and young women completed all three doses within seven months of the first, and only 28% did so within 12 months, according to Lea Widdice, MD, of the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, and colleagues.
Here is the disclaimer….and the kicker…
Limitations in the available data meant that the researchers were not able to measure other factors that might affect completion, including patient refusal of vaccination owing to previous adverse effects, or patient, parent, or provider attitudes about vaccination.
SANEVax believes surveying the girls not finishing the HPV vaccine series is imperative. To not do so is negligence on the part of the care providers, the FDA and the pharmaceutical companies.
To underscore the importance of this data collection, the SANEVax Team has worked long hours researching and compiling data from VAERS on multiple post-vaccination adverse reactions adolescent girls are experiencing. We are well aware VAERS is cumbersome and many do not have the time to research the data base themselves. We feel the information provides compelling evidence of the need to further examine the safety of HPV vaccines.
It is our intent to use this data to inform care providers, and the public about the potential severity of adverse reactions. The FDA and CDC are well aware of the information posted on VAERS – and the data is being monitored. SANEVax believes it is time that people know the truth about the adverse reactions. If we cannot get our government to listen to our concerns we will use the media to share raise awareness of the seriousness of the HPV vaccine travesty.
SANEVAX analysis of VAERS Reports is now available at .
Available data includes:
Injuries and Deaths post-HPV vaccination - 23 November 2010
Convulsions/Seizures post-HPV vaccination - 03 December 2010
Pancreatitis post-HPV vaccination - July 2010
Thrombocytopenic Purpura after HPV vaccination - 16 December 2010
ADEM following HPV vaccination - 25 July 2010
Cerebral Palsy after HPV vaccination - 16 November 2010
Epilepsy after HPV vaccination - 15 December 2010
Autoimmune disorders after HPV vaccination - 24 July 2010
Summary of blindness reports post-HPV vaccination - 4 July 2010
Blindness after Cervarix -15 December 2010
Loss of vision post-HPV vaccination - March 2010
List of reported adverse events following HPV vaccinations - December 2010
Health -All Women’s Talk 12.30.10.
C-Health 12.20.10. Coroner raises concerns over HPV vaccine,
Med Page Today 12.13.10, Many Fail to Finish HPV Vaccine Series as Recommended.
For more information, go to
I got the Gardasil shot around the 21st or 22nd and….?
Published on December 30, 2010
I have throbbing headaches, just on my right side.
I got the shot on my left and I got another one on right (I can’t remember what it was called). I just took 3 ibuprofens and it will slowly go away, but it comes back sometimes. But before I go the shots, I never honestly got headaches like this. Is this normal, or should I go see a Doctor? BTW I’m 14.
There are many issues surrounding this post that SANEVax, Inc. would like to address.
First and foremost, what would motivate this adolescent girl to post this question? Fear? Imagine this young woman alone on her computer – suffering from severe headaches – unsure of adverse reactions to not only one – but a second vaccine whose name she cannot remember– or combination thereof…that is causing her so much distress and prompting her to send a post out to cyberspace – hoping to get a response.
The second and even more important question – how many other girls are living in silence with the same fears/concerns and not knowing where to turn?
The third question is – how do you let a young girl know she may be experiencing a life-threatening condition? Many of the girls who died suddenly, unexpectedly; literally dropping dead complained of severe headaches.
In December 2008, Anabelle Morin’s mother found the teenage girl unconscious in the bathtub of their home. Just days earlier, the teenager had received her second dose of Gardasil, which vaccinates against the HPV virus, a sexually-transmitted infection that can be a precursor to cervical cancer.
And the other obvious questions: Where are her parents? Are they listening, concerned – educated about potential HPV adverse reactions? How will her doctor respond – “it is all in your head;” (literally), but a response that so many other girls and their families suffering from adverse reactions are getting from their primary care providers.
Obviously, this innocent adolescent does not know about VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) – and she is one of the 90 to 99% not reporting their symptoms.
Why are we subjecting adolescent girls to such fear, horror and potential health damages that may affect them for years to come? Where is the justice? Where is the rationale?
New reports in early December focused on the failure of girls to finish the vaccine series….raising speculation of race disparity, and the speculation that clinic visits for contraception might have increased the opportunity for vaccination.
In a single-institution retrospective analysis, only 14% of girls and young women completed all three doses within seven months of the first, and only 28% did so within 12 months, according to Lea Widdice, MD, of the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, and colleagues.
Here is the disclaimer….and the kicker…
Limitations in the available data meant that the researchers were not able to measure other factors that might affect completion, including patient refusal of vaccination owing to previous adverse effects, or patient, parent, or provider attitudes about vaccination.
SANEVax believes surveying the girls not finishing the HPV vaccine series is imperative. To not do so is negligence on the part of the care providers, the FDA and the pharmaceutical companies.
To underscore the importance of this data collection, the SANEVax Team has worked long hours researching and compiling data from VAERS on multiple post-vaccination adverse reactions adolescent girls are experiencing. We are well aware VAERS is cumbersome and many do not have the time to research the data base themselves. We feel the information provides compelling evidence of the need to further examine the safety of HPV vaccines.
It is our intent to use this data to inform care providers, and the public about the potential severity of adverse reactions. The FDA and CDC are well aware of the information posted on VAERS – and the data is being monitored. SANEVax believes it is time that people know the truth about the adverse reactions. If we cannot get our government to listen to our concerns we will use the media to share raise awareness of the seriousness of the HPV vaccine travesty.
SANEVAX analysis of VAERS Reports is now available at .
Available data includes:
Injuries and Deaths post-HPV vaccination - 23 November 2010
Convulsions/Seizures post-HPV vaccination - 03 December 2010
Pancreatitis post-HPV vaccination - July 2010
Thrombocytopenic Purpura after HPV vaccination - 16 December 2010
ADEM following HPV vaccination - 25 July 2010
Cerebral Palsy after HPV vaccination - 16 November 2010
Epilepsy after HPV vaccination - 15 December 2010
Autoimmune disorders after HPV vaccination - 24 July 2010
Summary of blindness reports post-HPV vaccination - 4 July 2010
Blindness after Cervarix -15 December 2010
Loss of vision post-HPV vaccination - March 2010
List of reported adverse events following HPV vaccinations - December 2010
Health -All Women’s Talk 12.30.10.
C-Health 12.20.10. Coroner raises concerns over HPV vaccine,
Med Page Today 12.13.10, Many Fail to Finish HPV Vaccine Series as Recommended.
For more information, go to
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