Tuesday, March 15, 2011

SaneVax Introduces One More Cervarix Girl: Gemma from the United Kingdom

9 March 2011, through the kindness and generosity of 478 people pledging their support, the proposed “ONE MORE GIRL” documentary has reached the initial funding goal.

Mar 14, 2011 – Victims of adverse reactions after HPV vaccination will have a voice thanks to these contributors and the Richardson brothers.

The adverse reactions experienced by Ryan and David’s sister after Gardasil prompted their initial investigation. The nightmares they discovered sent them on a mission to inform the world. That mission is to make sure no one else goes through what their family, and so many others, experienced without knowing the potential risks in advance. With this in mind, they decided any additional pledges received before the April 11th deadline will be put toward filming from an international perspective. After all, it is a global problem.

Gemma is from the United Kingdom. Her story clearly illustrates why the Richardson brothers would like to expand their coverage of the trail of tears left in the wake of Gardasil and Cervarix vaccinations.

Gemma enjoyed school and was good at most subjects, but she truly excelled at sports. She played football, hockey, cricket, and rounders, all on championship teams. Her rounders team was unbeaten for three years running. In her senior year, she was netball player of the year.

The week before her 16th birthday, Gemma was busy planning an ice skating trip with a group of her friends as a birthday treat. All of a sudden, she began to feel dizzy and had a headache. Her parents put it down to just feeling a bit off, perhaps a cold. She didn’t make it to the party.

When the dizziness and pain persisted for a couple of days, her parents decided it was time to visit the doctor. Her blood tests came back normal. Gemma’s GP said she thought it was a case of vertigo, gave her some medication and told her not to use her MP3 player.

Everyone assumed she would feel much better in a week or so. That was not the case.

As time went on, her dizziness eased up a bit; but the headaches became progressively worse. Intense pain was forcing Gemma to come home from school on a regular basis. Her vision began to deteriorate, forcing her to wear glasses. Her parents decided it was time for a specialist.

Gemma’s MRI (brain scan) showed nothing abnormal. Thinking it could be Basia migraines, a condition that affects mostly teenage girls, the neurologist composed a letter to her GP suggesting suitable medication.

Even though taking the prescribed medication, Gemma was not improving. She got through her exams (GCSE’s), but during the summer she became more and more withdrawn. The occasional trip to the Trafford Centre with a friend was all she could be bothered with. She spent most of the time in her room, by herself. As the headaches continued, her GP recommended different medications to no avail.

Her parents helplessly watched their daughter suffer, unable to do anything about it. Gemma’s condition deteriorated. The occasional day off school due to headaches turned into a week or two at a time. She was becoming a recluse, shut up in her room in terrible pain. Desperately her parents tried to come up with a reason for her condition. Suddenly, they recalled having to pick Gemma up from school on the day she had been vaccinated with Cervarix. Investigating on their own, they also discovered many others suffering the same symptoms after the same vaccine. Things were beginning to make sense.

They started taking information with them to Gemma’s now weekly doctor visits. None of the doctors seemed to be aware of the other girls throughout the United Kingdom having the same adverse reactions after their Cervarix vaccinations. After learning this, one of Gemma’s consulting neurologists had this to say about her new medical condition:

“As I discussed in clinic, I think that the most likely explanation is that the vaccine may have triggered an underlying tendency to headaches (such as migraine) which has persisted.”

Gemma’s parents are hoping they can prevent others from going through similar experiences by telling her story. They know people like David and Ryan Richardson are fighting to get the truth out so others know the potential risks involved with HPV vaccines before they decide whether the benefits outweigh the risks.

They know people all over the world are supporting the production of the “ONE MORE GIRL” documentary. They are hoping you join the list of contributors so the film can cover the issue on a global level.

Visit: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1995527181/one-more-girl-documentary for details on the One More Girl documentary.

Visit: http://sanevax.org for information on vaccine safety, efficacy and need.

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SaneVax believes only Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices should be offered to the public. Our primary goal is to provide scientific information/resources for those concerned about vaccine safety, efficacy and need.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Protecting ONE MORE GIRL from becoming one more fatally injured

Three years and 22,857 visits to your website and Gardasil is still on the market.

All this is still so unbelievable, I don't know what to say and my feelings are still the same.

Each day is still a struggle to get through.
Lisa Ericzon – Jessica Faye Ericzon (1990-2008) Memorial Page
SANEVAX, Inc. As of March 5, 2011 the number of visitors to Jessica Faye Ericzon’s Memorial Site (the first known post-Gardasil death) has risen to 23,254. The number of adverse reactions reported to VAERS has also risen to 21,474 events where Vaccine is HPV or HPV2 (Cervarix) or HPV4 (Gardasil). The death toll post-vaccination still stands at 93 – with only 1 to 10% of the vaccine-injured population reporting. What’s another zero, or two?

Although the GlaxoSmithKline has been more subtle than Merck in their marketing efforts –adverse reactions after Cervarix are also being reported to VAERS. For example VAERS incident number 413727 - posted on December 29, 2010:

This case was reported by a physician and described the occurrence of complicated Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in a 13-year-old female subject who was vaccinated with CERVARIX (GlaxoSmithKline). Former vaccinations included CERVARIX on 16 April and 18 May 2009. On 26 May 2010 the subject received 3rd dose of CERVARIX (unknown route and application site). On 26 May 2010, less than one day after vaccination with CERVARIX, the subject experienced neck myalgia and pain in cervical spine. On 14 June 2010 the subject had severe pain in cervical spine. The subject was hospitalised on 07 July 2010 with severe pain and increasing paresis of the right arm. On 13 July 2010 the subject was transferred to another unit with the diagnosis of metastinal and cervical tumour. After further diagnostics the subject was diagnosed with complicated Non-Hodgkin''s lymphoma with affecting the central nervous system and infiltrating the cerebral membrane. At the time of reporting the outcome of the events was unspecified. The subject's father, who is a microbiologist, was convinced the event was caused by vaccination with CERVARIX. Follow-up information has been requested.
Sane Vax, Inc. is hearing from more and more victims and their mothers weekly. Rosemary Mathis, Vice-President of Victim’s Support just responded to the mother of a 13 year old girl in Oregon who is now blind – post Gardasil vaccination. The family is from a small community and many adverse reactions to Gardasil have been noted for such a small population.

Protecting one more girl from becoming one more injured – may need to be changed to protecting one more child from becoming one more fatality.
Fennville, Michigan was hit with incredible sorrow this week after the tragic sudden death of their star basketball player, collapsed on court after a winning game. An autopsy report Friday revealed he died from a heart attack due to dilated cardiomyopathy.1.
An isolated and dubious link to HPV vaccination, you might say…perhaps….except that the article also reports on another recent tragedy in Fennville: a 14 year old wrestler suffered a seizure at home and died after competing in a wrestling match in January 2010.
Professionals involved in the research and the VAERS analysis know that this second death raises questions that need to be addressed. Are these deaths related? Did these two young men receive the HPV vaccine? Their profiles are eerily similar to the sudden deaths – post HPV vaccination - of otherwise healthy adolescent girls. Michigan does list HPV vaccines as a part of their recommended immunization schedule.2. SANE Vax, Inc. believes that medical consumers need to know the answer to these questions.
Perhaps, data on HPV vaccine related injuries and fatalities will be easier to collect in smaller communities where adverse reactions are more visible.
The proposed ONE MORE GIRL Documentary will help ensure that this type of experimentation on innocent medical consumers will never happen again. As of March 6, over $31,481 towards our goal of $37,000 has been raised with the support of 377 backers. An anonymous donation of $5,000 was made over the weekend – putting us well on our way to reaching our goal. Six other backers have donated over $1,000 each. There are just 34 days left to raise the funds needed to produce what will no doubt be one of the most important films of the decade. The budgeted amount will only cover costs to cover the issue nationally. We sincerely hope to exceed that amount so the tragic stories of injury and death from other countries can also be included.
Protect others from becoming one more injury or death. Support ONE MORE GIRL today. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1995527181/one-more-girl-documentary?ref=live

1. Season turns into nightmare in Fennville, Mike O’Hara, Fox Sports, March 4, 2011 http://msn.foxsports.com/other/story/High-school-player-dies-dream-season-becomes-nightmare-030411?GT1=39002
2. Michigan Departments of Education & Community Health http://www.michigan.gov/wps/wcm/connect/d5428200403d6d01a416ae3bd1247b1d/HPV_MCV__SchoolLaw08.v.3_238866_7.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CONVERT_TO=url

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Health Care Fraud: HPV ‘vaccines’ are not vaccines at all

Medical consumers worldwide are currently experiencing an epidemic of medical fraud perpetrated by pharmaceutical companies, the FDA and the CDC. These same consumers now feel abandoned by the U.S. Supreme Court. When will they say enough is enough?

Feb 25, 2011 – When it comes to cervical cancer prevention, HPV shots are not vaccines. Why then, are they classified as such by the FDA and the CDC, both divisions of the United States Department of Health and Human Services?

According to the definition, published by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, a vaccine is “a product of a weakened or killed microorganism (bacteria or virus) given for the prevention or treatment of an infectious disease.” (visit http://www.hhs.gov/nvpo/glossary1.htm for details)

Infectious diseases are also known as communicable diseases or transmissible diseases which present clinically evident illnesses resulting from the infection, presence and growth of pathogenic biological agents in an individual host organism. The infectiousness of a disease indicates the comparative ease with which the disease is transmitted to other hosts. An infection is not synonymous with an infectious disease.

Everyone knows, cancer is not an infectious disease. You cannot ‘catch’ cancer from someone else. Therefore, it is not an infectious disease. By the HHS definition, any injection taken to protect against cancer of any type, just like a drug taken to prevent prostate cancer or to prevent heart attack, is not a vaccine.

Now, take a look at this definition, published in a document entitled, FDA 101: Health Fraud Awareness:

“Health fraud is the deceptive sale or advertising of products that claim to be effective against medical conditions or otherwise beneficial to health, but which have not been proven safe and effective for those purposes.” (visit http://www.fda.gov/forconsumers/protectyourself/healthfr ... for details)

HPV vaccines have not been proven clinically effective against anything other than perhaps genital warts, and (according to the NCI) the ‘not a true biologic entity’ self-reversing CIN 1 lesions, and often self reversing CIN 2 lesions. Not a single case of cervical cancer was included in any of the clinical trials. (visit http://sanevax.org/pdf/191010%20FDA%20Commissioner.pdf for details)

Because cancer takes so long to develop (15-20 years), it will be years before anyone can even begin to claim HPV vaccines actually make an impact on cervical cancer rates.

According to the FDA, the last criterion for health fraud is the advertising or sale of a product not proven safe for the intended purposes. Limited as the VAERS system is, the numbers still speak for themselves. Following HPV vaccination: 21,292 reports of adverse events, 2092 hospitalizations, 8617 emergency room visits, 4346 people who did not recover from adverse events, 689 disabled and 93 deaths. So much for proven safe.

The SaneVax Team and medical consumers around the world want to know why HPV shots got the designation of vaccine in the first place. The only benefits to calling HPV shots ‘cancer vaccines’ are to use the word CANCER to scare consumers into submission and limit manufacturer liability for injuries caused by their products. The FDA and CDC should not be able to ignore the definition of vaccine while HPV shots are being falsely marketed as ‘cancer vaccines.’

The SaneVax Team and medical consumers around the world want to know why by their own definitions the FDA, CDC, and pharmaceutical companies are apparently allowed to commit health fraud on a global scale with impunity.

The Supreme Court of the United States just demonstrated, in no uncertain terms they have no interest in protecting medical consumers. Consequently, worldwide medical consumers are left relying on their elected officials. Let’s hope enough of them have the moral character to do the right thing.

If not, medical consumers are left to their own devices. Educate yourself. Do at least as much research as you would do before you purchase a house, or car. Make sure your medical provider knows that if a vaccine, treatment or medication is not safe, affordable, necessary and effective—you do not want it.

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Please visit our site at http://sanevax.org/.

SaneVax believes only Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices should be offered to the public. Our primary goal is to provide scientific information/resources for those concerned about vaccine safety, efficacy and need.

Cervical Cancer vs Prostate Cancer: Is the FDA practicing sexual discrimination?

FDA advisory panels reject the use of two separate prostate cancer prevention measures yet approve cervical cancer preventive shots using virtually the same criteria. What is wrong with this picture?

November 2010, an FDA advisory panel soundly rejected the proposed use of two drugs, Avodart from GlaxoSmithKline and Proscar by Merck, as a potential preventive measure for prostate cancer. It seems that although the two drugs showed promise in preventing low-grade cancer cells, they were linked to a risk of a higher incidence of high-grade cancer.

For those who have been following the HPV vaccine controversy, this sounds all too familiar. The following excerpts (visit http://www.medpagetoday.com/HematologyOncology/ProstateC ... for details) from a December article in MedPage, titled, “FDA Panel Rejects Prostate Drugs for CA Prevention” by Emily P. Walker:

• How to handle low-grade prostate cancer is controversial in the urology community, in part because it is unknown if the low-grade tumors would ever develop into high-grade tumors, and also because the method used to originally detect prostate cancer -- the PSA test -- is inexact.

• The panel agreed that a reduction in the less-risky tumors -- which may never even turn into serious cancers -- is not a big enough benefit if the drugs may actually lead to life-threatening cancers. In addition, the standards need to be much higher for a chemopreventive agent.

• "If you're going to give normally healthy people a drug, there need to be no side effects," said Walsh, who was brought in by the FDA as a guest speaker.

• If approved to prevent cancer, the drugs could potentially be given to hundreds of thousands of otherwise healthy men with elevated PSAs who are concerned about dying from prostate cancer.

• That means "we [would] use this to treat men -- not patients -- men who don't have a disease," said Richard Padzur, MD, director of oncology drugs at the FDA.

The SaneVax Team applauds the FDA advisory panel for their decision on these two drugs. We are sure it will save many men from suffering not only the potentially higher risk of prostate cancer, but also any potential adverse effects from mass administration of drugs to healthy individuals.

However, the SaneVax Team wants to know where these ‘wise’ advisors were when HPV vaccines came up for review. We want to know why the same standards were not applied to the world’s female population in regard to cervical cancer prevention that were taken into consideration when the world’s male population was reviewed for potential prostate cancer prevention. This double standard of ‘care’ is not acceptable.

• Handling low-grade cervical cancer is just as controversial as prostate cancer. It is also not known if low-grade cervical pre-cancerous lesions will ever progress to invasive cancer. Currently approved HPV tests are inexact, just as the PSA test.

• Less risky cervical cell changes (CIN1/2) may never turn into cervical cancer, just like less risky prostate tumors. The standards, therefore also need to be much higher for a preventive agent, such as HPV vaccines.

• Clinical trials for both HPV vaccines also indicated a potentially higher risk of developing invasive cervical cancer when the recipients had prior exposure to HPV vaccine relevant genotypes.

• The SaneVax Team wholeheartedly agrees with Mr. Walsh, if you are going to give normally healthy women a drug there needs to be no side effects.

• Nevertheless, Gardasil and Cervarix were approved for use as a preventive measure for cervical cancer and are currently being administered to hundreds of thousands of previously healthy girls, with apparent total disregard for any potential adverse effects.

• Men who didn’t have a disease would have been treated should the advisory panel have approved the two prostate medications listed above. Unlike those men, your daughters, neighbors and friends - healthy women – NOT patients - are currently being ‘treated’ despite any potential risks.

The SaneVax Team wants to know why the FDA came to opposite conclusions in the prostate cancer versus cervical cancer prevention decisions. Is it because the prostate cancer drugs were not ‘vaccines’ and thereby liability issues would exist? Or, is it simply that the advisory committees at the FDA feel men are more important than women?

Either way, it is abundantly apparent that female medical consumers must be even more cautious and well-educated than their male counterparts. It is time for the FDA, and pharmaceutical/medical industries to stop treating women like second-class citizens.

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SaneVax believes only Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices should be offered to the public. Our primary goal is to provide scientific information/resources for those concerned about vaccine safety, efficacy and need.

Please visit our site at http://sanevax.org/

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

SaneVax Introduces One More Gardasil Girl: Sara from Utah

HPV vaccines are among the most expensive vaccines on the market. No one knows if they will decrease the rate of cervical cancer; no one knows how many adverse reactions people have endured. Sara is one. When do the risks outweigh the benefits?

At 19 years old, Sara had everything going for her. She was attending Brigham Young University on a full academic scholarship, majoring in Social Work with a minor in women’s studies. In addition to being academically gifted, she had been a dancer for years. She was in excellent health, never smoked or drank alcohol, ate healthy food and exercised regularly. She was a virgin. In short, she was at very minimal risk for cervical cancer.

She received an HPV information sheet from her college outlining the potential risks of HPV infection and the benefits of Gardasil vaccination. The only potential side effects listed on the information sheet were pain at the injection site, redness, and perhaps fainting.

When Sara went to her physician for her annual check-up, the doctor was adamant that she needed Gardasil, even though she had a very low potential risk of cervical cancer based on her history and lifestyle. Sara followed her doctor’s advice, even though there was no history of cervical cancer in her family. The first injection, though painful, was not followed by particular reaction.

In January of 2007, when she went in for the second injection, she had no idea what events would follow. Sara was administered the second dose of Gardasil at the same time she took her seasonal flu vaccine.

One week later, Sara woke up paralyzed by pain. She was unable to get out of her bed. Four hours later, her roommates discovered her and she was rushed to the hospital. That was only the beginning of what she has continued to go through.

Sara now has a severely compromised immune system. Her white blood cell count dropped to virtually nothing. In the words of her physicians, her immune system has been almost completely eradicated. She has severe chronic pain in addition to chronic fatigue. Sara is extremely sensitive to any type of medication, when she never had a problem before. There have been many instances where she has been completely bedridden, unable to do anything.

It took three months for her physicians to recognize she had experienced an adverse reaction to Gardasil. They immediately filed a report with VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System). They also tried for over a year to contact Merck with no success. All phone calls went unanswered.

The icing on the cake was as soon as vaccine injury was determined to be the cause of her problems, Intermountain Health Care (IHC) would take no responsibility or acknowledge that her symptoms were caused by an adverse reaction to a vaccine administered at one of their clinics. So much for the Hippocratic Oath.

Sara feels like she is living in someone else’s body. Every day she wakes up wondering whether she will ever be her normal self again.

In spite of all of her physical ailments after Gardasil, Sara graduated valedictorian of her class and is now enrolled in a Masters Program and working as a research assistant. Sara is one more girl who has refused to allow her reaction to Gardasil make her ‘one less.’

Stories like Sara’s are the reason the SaneVax Team is involved in helping get the production of the “One More Girl” documentary off the ground. These girls need to have their stories told. There is not one person who suffered an adverse reaction after HPV vaccination that does not feel compelled to warn others. Without exception, they want no other person to ever have to experience the same things they have.

Please, take a few minutes to watch the preview of “One More Girl.” Make your contribution to the production of this ground-breaking film. Help warn others about the potential risks involved with HPV vaccination. (for details visit: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1995527181/one-more-girl-documentary )
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SaneVax believes only Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices should be offered to the public. Our primary goal is to provide scientific information/resources for those concerned about vaccine safety, efficacy and need.Please visit our site at http://sanevax.org/.